Love To Bake Java Cream Cheesecake

Another chilled cheesecake from Alex Goh Love to Bake Coffee Cream Cheesecake

Another chilled cheesecake from Alex Goh Love to Bake Coffee Cream Cheesecake

Another chilled cheesecake from Alex Goh

Sometimes about things are simply made for each other, peanuts together with java are a dyad made inward heaven.
We loved this cheesecake fifty-fifty earlier it hitting our lips.. the olfactory belongings of the coffee, amongst the peanuts together with cheese......

I changed the topping of the master copy recipe from almond nibs to peanuts. And it was the perfect decision. I similar all my java flavoured cakes to hold out paired amongst peanuts, simply similar pandan cakes must hold out paired amongst kokosnoot :)

Here goes the recipe:

Sponge cake: whatsoever that u prefer, preferable size (Square: 9X9 X 1.5inch , round: 9X9 X 2inch). Cut into two layers or u tin function out it equally a unmarried layer. I prefer double layer. If u desire to role ane layer, therefore role thinner sponges equally preferred.

250gm cream cheese, room temperature
200gm sweetenened condensed milk
150gm whipping cream, whipped
1 Tbsp instant java + two Tbsp hot H2O (I used Nescafe Gold, together with it was therefore good, regular Nescafe was non equally good)
1 3/4 Tbsp gelatin + 50ml water

Topping: 90gm toasted peanut nibs

1. Bloom gelatin inward H2O for two minutes. Microwave on high for thirty secs or longer until gelatine dissolves. Leave to cool down.
2. Mix instant java amongst hot water. Stir to dissolve. function out aside to cool down.
3. Beat cream cheese together with condensed milk until smoothen together with creamy.
4. Mix inward java mixture, mix well.
5. Beat inward gelatine mixture together with mix well.
6. Fold inward whipped cream.
7. Place 1 slice of sponge layer into cake ring/square case/spring degree pan together with pour one-half the filling onto it. Use a spatula to flat filling.
8. Place the other slice of sponge together with elevation amongst the residuum of the filling. Level filling.
9. Immediately sprinkle toasted peanut nibs over cake together with gently press.
10. Chill for v hours earlier serving.

Another chilled cheesecake from Alex Goh Love to Bake Coffee Cream Cheesecake

There were two attempts here. The moving-picture present to a higher house was sec endeavor together with the ane below was the first. Why are the colours of the fillings different? Well, I used dissimilar coffees. The outset was Nescafe Gold, together with the sec was Old Town White Coffee. Verdict: I honey the version amongst Nescafe Gold.

Another chilled cheesecake from Alex Goh Love to Bake Coffee Cream Cheesecake

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