Love To Bake Osmanthus Cake

Been watching Virtue’s of Harmony (皆大歡喜) inward 2002.. in addition to Kwai Fah Gou, Osmanthus Cake is e'er mentioned for tea or snack. I was really curious, what is that Kwai Fah??? I tried quest whatsoever herbal shops in addition to tea shops that I come upwards across with, in addition to they all gave me a blank look, or so fifty-fifty asked me how to write it inward Chinese. Even Herbs in addition to Food’s employees didn’t know near this constituent dorsum in addition to then (I don't know near now)

But my dearest slowly Sam Shuk (3rd Uncle, If y'all are familiar amongst the YMCA scene, y'all powerfulness know him) bought me or so dried osmanthus flowers from Hong Kong. He fifty-fifty got me osmanthus tea past times Lipton. I was delighted, simply I was busy amongst my Teacher’s Training Program inward JB, that I had no fourth dimension for it. By the fourth dimension I was dorsum into the kitchen, my mom has already threw them away.

Lastly these two years,  osmanthus has arrived to our shores finally. And fifty-fifty the meshing has to a greater extent than recipes for it, specially inward English linguistic communication :)
In 2002 in addition to 2003, I was searching high in addition to depression on the meshing for 桂花糕, at that spot weren’t a recipe to hold upwards seen, simply immediately at that spot are loads in addition to loads of it.

There are two major versions of Osmanthus Cake/Jelly. First is a mucilaginous sticky version, the other a gelatin version. I’m non interested inward both. Then I saw this, in addition to I’ll produce it, without the chestnuts.
The texture was great, bouncy in addition to fragrant amongst osmanthus.

If y'all accept never seen or tried anything made from osmanthus, allow me percentage amongst y'all that the fragrance resembles peach or apricots.

115gm chestnut powder
250ml water
120gm sugar
500ml water
1 Tbsp osmanthus

1. Mix H2O chestnut pulverization amongst 250ml H2O until no lumps are seen. Set aside.
2. Bring 500ml H2O in addition to saccharide to a boil. Turn off the oestrus in addition to position inward osmanthus flowers to infuse for two minutes.
3. Pour osmanthus infusion into (1). Return flour mixture to saucepan/pot in addition to develop until it thickens.
4. Pour into a lightly oiled vii inch pan. Steam over high oestrus for 10 minutes in addition to medium oestrus for or so other 10 minutes.
5. Cool downward totally earlier slicing

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