Love To Bake Seremban Beef Noodles - Mff N9 #3

2nd attempt: Way likewise generous until 1 can't encounter the noodles!

This is 1 of the most famous noodles of Seremban. I had my first taste of it to a greater extent than than xv years ago.
And when the thought of MFF was concieved, this was the first thing I wanted to ready for Negeri Sembilan. There are a few places to swallow this inwards Seremban in addition to the most pop was the 1 at the Wet Market.

I tried to replicate King's version of Beef Noodles. I've eaten it in 1 lawsuit in addition to I recall it doesn't gustation similar the pasar version at all,(courtesy of Hody who brought it to me all the means from Seremban). Frankly, I don't quite similar the pasar version that doesn't gustation of spices.It was really garlicky in addition to shalloty (haha, no such word, right?), in addition to I could odor the dried chilli inwards the lite broth of which is quite a pose off (personal sentiment only, some of y'all may similar it). King's version has to a greater extent than spices in addition to was rather pungent, something that is definitely preferred past times me.

I consulted 2 beau bloggers who are from Seremban in addition to they helped me on the replication work. Reese gave me a really expert description of the beef jerky in addition to it came out well. Hody helped me exam the recipe past times cooking it. Hody can't ready beef at home, hence she used a combination of pork in addition to mutton. Without the aid of these 2 beau friends, this recipe mightiness non come upwards most hence easily.

This wasn't the outset recipe that I cooked. Actually I cooked it iii times. And hence the pictures y'all encounter today are from iii attempts. I don't mean value I'll ready this anymore, definitely non inwards 2013 again!

The outset endeavour in addition to 2nd had xv spices inwards it, in addition to it seemed difficult to believe, LOL. I'll proceed that recipe if 1 hateful solar daytime I desire to start a noodle business. I cooked it a 2nd fourth dimension in addition to brought them to my brother's identify for them to essay out in addition to most of all, compass me feedback. My 2nd SIL tried it in addition to told me, she kept thinking in addition to thinking most it. My eldest blood brother (he stayed inwards Seremban for a yr in addition to ate at Kings many times) said it was almost similar it, but he also can't recall exactly. They were only eating in addition to eating to their tummy's contentment.

I was a fleck hesitant to postal service the recipe alongside xv spices, due to personal disbelief. LOL. So, I tried over again for the tertiary fourth dimension alongside lesser spices, the few spices that commonly plant alongside beef. Almost similar it, less pungent only. Not equally expert equally the outset version, but to a greater extent than realistic. I'm non certain if this is on the spot, but, from the looks of it, does seem similar, hahaha! I'm only trying my best to replicate in addition to it's been many years since I final had it. If I could larn it exactly, in addition to then hence many others volition hold upwards selling similar tasting beef noodles, right? Hody told me, every stall inwards Seremban tastes different. So, it's ok!

I wrote the workflow based on my ain experience, minimizing fourth dimension wastage.

Seremban Beef Noodle
Recipe source: WendyinKK
Serves: 6

Beef broth
300gm beef brisket 牛腩
600gm beef tripe 牛肚*
1 star anise 八角
iii cloves 丁香
2 inches cinnamon stick 桂皮
¼ tsp fennel seeds 小茴香
¼ tsp Sichuan peppercorn 花椒
¼ tsp dark peppercorn + 10 white peppercorns
1 dark cardamom 草果
1 modest piece of dried tangerine pare 陈皮
iii shallots
15gm peeled ginger (about 1 fatty inch)
1 tsp salt
¼ loving cup soy sauce

Beef Jerky
300gm lean beef
50gm sugar
1 tsp salt
1 Tbsp lite soy sauce
1 Tbsp five spice powder
Generous dash of white pepper powder

1L of beef broth
1 Tbsp dark vinegar
1-2 Tbsp dark caramel sauce
50gm tapioca starch + ¼ loving cup water

1/4 loving cup sesame seeds
1/4 loving cup pickled mustard leaves 酸菜
1 loving cup peanuts
outpouring onions

1kg thick rice noodles (fresh noodle weight)
1/2 loving cup crude

1. Marinate beef jerky. Cut beef into 1 inch thick slices. Combine the seasonings in addition to sprinkle it over the beef. Pat the seasonings in. Keep it overnight inwards the fridge.
2. Soak rice noodles (if using dried ones) inwards tap water.
3. Prepare beef broth. Rinse the larger spices in addition to pose all of them into a spice pouch (if y'all have). Fill upwards a pot with 1.5L of water. Bring to a boil in addition to and then pose inwards beef in addition to beef tripe (don't cut). Put inwards common salt in addition to soy sauce in addition to convey it dorsum to a boil. Lower to a simmer for 2.5 hours. Strain the broth in addition to take away beef brisket in addition to beef tripe**. Leave aside to cool in addition to piece thinly. Make certain y'all produce got at to the lowest degree 1L of beef broth, if not, add together to a greater extent than water.
4. Meanwhile, launder pickled vegetable. Slice it thinly in addition to soak inwards H2O for at to the lowest degree 1 hour. Squeeze in addition to alter H2O twice inwards between.
5. In a construct clean dry out wok toast sesame seeds until golden in addition to puffy. It mightiness start to jump. Dish upwards in addition to laid aside.
6. On medium depression heat, pose inwards ½ loving cup oil. Put inwards peanuts in addition to lower to depression heat. Slowly nipper the peanuts until the nut within takes on a lite golden beige colour. Takes most 5-10 minutes. Dish upwards in addition to drain on newspaper towels.
7. With the same crude inwards wok, nipper the marinated beef (keep the marinade), using depression heat. Fry the beef until the meat no longer feels spongy, but firm. Dish upwards move out to cool. Slice to sparse slices.
8. With the same dingy wok, don’t discard whatever crude inwards it. Pour the remaining beef marinade inwards in addition to ready it until it looks bubbly in addition to fragrant. Pour all the strained beef broth into the wok.
9. Add inwards vinegar, Add dark caramel sauce (as dark equally y'all similar it). Taste it, in addition to adapt equally needed. There should hold upwards a really very mild sourness, slightly oversalted in addition to mild sweetness.
10. Pour inwards tapioca starch mixture (might non take all) in addition to thicken to the consistency of “sharkfin soup”. Pour gravy into a modest pot alongside lid to proceed until serving time.
11. Wash wok clean. Squeeze the pickled vegetable dry out in addition to dry out nipper it on the wok until it feels dry. Dish upwards in addition to laid aside.
12. Boil a large pot of H2O in addition to blanch the noodles. Drain the noodles in addition to mix alongside some crude to foreclose sticking.(fresh noodles take non hold upwards oiled)

To serve:
Place some noodles into plate/bowl. Place beef slices onto noodles, in addition to then ladle some gravy on it. Top alongside pickled vegetables, peanuts, outpouring onions and sesame seeds.

*Take banknote that the beef tripe shrinks to most 25% of its master size later cooking.So, it's non a lot.
**If y'all desire to take away the tallow (beef fat) from the broth, allow the whole pot of broth cool downwardly to room temp, the tallow volition solidify. Ladle the exceed layer of broth in addition to strain it to take away the tallow. Just discard the solid fat.

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