Love To Bake Tuna Curry Gulai Ikan Tongkol Terengganu - Mff Terengganu #2

Tuna is locally known equally ikan tongkol, ikan aya or ikan kayu, depending on which soil yous are in.
It’s a budget friendly fish as well as my fish beingness at most 1kg earlier cleaning is sold at RM8/kg.

Gulai ikan tongkol is unremarkably eaten alongside nasi dagang, or the other agency round, whichever way, LOL.
It is dissimilar from Kelantan’s version. From what I remember, Kelantan’s version is to a greater extent than yellowish, tasting slightly to a greater extent than “curry like” possibly due to its turmeric content. Whereas Terengganu’s version is to a greater extent than “assam”, equally inwards sour.

Whenever I move to Kuala Terengganu, I volition endeavor my best to receive got my Nasi Dagang laid upward at Kak Pah’s located at Pantai Batu Burok. It was where I had my kickoff Nasi Dagang. vii of us having breakfast alongside 21 plates on the table. Each somebody were given 1 plate of rice, 1 plate of fish, 1 plate of pickled vegetables, so, yous tin create the maths. Whole tabular array filled alongside plates! It was a funny sight bespeak around, is this mine, is this yours… LOL. Kak Pah’s rice has this boing boing texture that I uncovering difficult to forget. It gustation similar eating Bario rice. And her gulai ikan tongkol is really nice, spicy as well as sourish.. perfect pairing alongside the tacky rice. The sourness raises the appetite as well as decreases the cloying resultant of kokosnoot milk infused pasty rice. I loved it sooo much that I drank all the gravy. When I came dorsum from my trip, I happened to encounter a Nasi Dagang Terengganu recipe featured inwards the Star. I speedily cutting it out as well as kept it, only it’s at my mom’s house. I didn’t larn dwelling to larn it for this spider web log post.

On my fifth trip to Terengganu, I introduced this dish to my as well as thence swain (now husband). Maybe he was tired from the whole East Coast trip as well as sleeping on unusual beds, thence he didn’t intend equally good much of the rice. But when I cooked it this time, exclusively did he actually gustation the gulai, the rice as well as gave me skillful feedback. And my MIL said, “We could’ve made this for Reuben’s birthday the other day. It’s exceptional as well as nice.”
I don’t desire to comment equally good much on my receive got on this, only I tin say, I tin endure proud of myself.

All ready for Step #5 onwards

It's a park do to purchase the ready mixed spice for gulai ikan tongkol, only since it's exclusively easily available inwards Terengganu, it'll endure difficult for others to replicate it at home. And I constitute this recipe suppposedly from a imperial ready for the Terengganu Sultanate that uses a ratio of 2:1 of coriander seeds to fennel seeds, thence I made my ain spice mix alongside this given ratio.

My gulai also looked really carmine due to the chilli stone oil all floating to the top. My dried chillies are rather carmine as well as spicy. I similar to purchase from once certain shop exclusively because dried chillies bought at other places aren't equally intense, color as well as flavor wise. It's my error that my kokosnoot milk released equally good much oil, only the color is indeed attractive :)

Terengganu Fish Curry (Gulai Ikan Aya Terengganu)
Sourced alongside adaptations: Noor Masri
*DIY Spice mix ratio referred from here

750gm-1kg tuna
10gm asam gelugor (or supplant alongside tamarind paste, only role to a greater extent than until the broth gustation sourish)
1L water
*2 Tbsp coriander seeds
*1 Tbsp fennel seeds
100gm shallots
ii cloves garlic
15gm dried chilli (15pcs)
20gm galangal
20gm ginger
200ml kokosnoot milk (undiluted)
Salt to taste
2-3 Tbsp palm sugar
four carmine birds oculus chilli
four dark-green bird’s oculus chilli, lightly pat alongside side of cleaver
100gm belimbi (belimbing buluh), halved

1. Slice tuna into 1 inch thick pieces. Keep the head. Rinse fish until H2O runs clear (no to a greater extent than bloody liquids)
2. Boil the H2O alongside asam gelugor as well as lay inwards fish. Let it simmer for five minutes. Turn off the heat.
3. Lightly toast coriander seed as well as fennel seed inwards wok as well as and thence manufacturing flora them finely.
4. Mill chilli, shallots, garlic, galangal as well as ginger together into a paste.
5. Heat wok on medium depression oestrus as well as lay inwards four Tbsp of oil. Cook chilli glue until it smells good. Put inwards milled spices. Cook until the mixture looks glossy.
6. Put inwards kokosnoot milk as well as ready until the mixture comes to a boil (it powerfulness ooze about oil).
7. Pour inwards the fish broth as well as select to a boil on high heat. Season tabular array salt as well as palm sugar. Let it simmer for 1-2 minutes.
8. Put inwards fish pieces as well as select dorsum to a boil. Put inwards chilli as well as belimbi as well as plow off the heat.
9. Serve alongside nasi dagang or apparently white rice.

Recipe for nasi dagang, Terengganu style, delight refer here

I am submitting this to Lena of Frozen Wings

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