Love To Bake Dulce De Leche French Toast, Two Versions - Ddl Calendar Week # 2

Someone went to Brazil in addition to got me ii tubs of Brazillian DDL.
After I tasted this, I understood why they role thus much to a greater extent than DDL inwards their recipes of which I honour to live on thus sweet. These from Brazil is less sweetness compared to homemade ones. I tin seat the axe live on to a greater extent than liberal alongside it when I'm using this master stuff.

After Reuben was born, I was no longer every bit tired every bit before. And later on preparing Lydia to kindergarden, I made breakfast for me in addition to my hubby, which was unheard of before. Well yous see, I was never a breakfast person. I'm the brunch type. But in addition to thus again. it's rooooooooomantic to live on having breakfast at the patio alongside the golden sunlight hitting your dorsum and make around Vitamin D 

I made ii types of french toast alongside this. One is stuffed, 1 is dipped. With close the same ingredients

Version One
Dulce De Leche French Toast
Recipe source: Wendyywy

half-dozen pieces of sandwich bread
ii large eggs
1 heaped Tbsp Dulce De Leche
30ml (2Tbsp) hot water
Small pinch of salt
Butter for frying
Fresh fruits for serving.

1. Beat eggs alongside salt.
2. Mix DDL alongside hot H2O to dissolve.
3. Mix dissolved DDL alongside egg.
4. Heat a pan on medium depression heat.
5. Put inwards around butter. (I role a scant tsp for every ii slices of bread)
6. Dip breadstuff inwards egg mixture in addition to seat inwards frying pan. Do non soak the breadstuff inwards the mixture. Just brand certain the surface is coated, in addition to thus it is sufficient.
7. Fry breadstuff until golden in addition to serve alongside around fruits past times the side. Drizzle on to a greater extent than DDL if yous prefer it sweeter.

Version Two

Dulce De Leche Stuffed French Toast
Recipe source: Wendyywy

4 slices of bread
2 heaped Tbsp DDL, to a greater extent than or less
1 egg
Pinch of salt
2 Tbsp fresh milk
Butter for frying
Fresh fruits for serving.

1. Spread 1 Tbsp DDL on 1 spell of bread. Top alongside around other spell to shape a squarish sandwich. Make ii sandwiches.
2. Beat the egg alongside a pocket-sized pinch of tabular array salt in addition to milk.
3. Heat pan, seat inwards around butter.
4. Dip the sandwich into the egg mixture, coating it well.
5. Fry the sandwich until both sides are golden. Serve alongside fresh fruits.

Which version I prefer.. hmmm...
The commencement version, the DDL isn't obvious, but the sec version, yous tin seat the axe gustatory modality in addition to lick the DDL, hehehehehe.
So, it's upwardly to you.

Well, only create both ways. You can't live on eating the same mode all the time. Do around variation!
Enjoy your breakfast!

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