Love To Bake Pot Stickers / Guotie - Wrapped # 1

Recipe recreated inwards July 2011

I start learnt to brand these when I was xiii or 14. I forgot just when.

My friend, LSP's mom is a Taiwanese. She doesn't telephone telephone these pot stickers, simply instead every bit ShuiJiao.
To celebrate LSP's birthday, her mom, Mrs Loh organized a "ShuiJiao" session at her home. H5N1 few of us were invited over to brand your ain together with swallow your ain dumplings. Since it was a start for most of us, nosotros made the peel thick together with fillings miniscule. LOL. Kids!

I was immature dorsum then. Some creative fellas fifty-fifty made squarish dumplings,  mushrooms together with duck shaped ones. It was immense fun! And immensely sweaty because Mrs Loh made to a greater extent than or less kick donkey chilli sauce amongst her ain birds oculus chilli from the garden. It wasn't for once. Mrs Loh had us over a few times to brand Shui Jiao.

FYI, it was the same Mrs Loh who taught me how to brand Arrowhead Chips dorsum inwards the early on 90's.
LSP, delight please mail my regards to Mrs Loh together with a large big give cheers yous from me.

But for the pleating technique, it was to a greater extent than or less other friend's mom who taught me dorsum inwards early on 1996. It's Simon's mom, Mrs Tan. We went over for a session of making Chai Kuih piece waiting for our SPM results.
It seemed that I did selection upward quite a chip from mothers of my friends... LOL. Yes, I even thence convey a few mothers for other recipes. Not forgetting Alyssa's woman raise for Longan Tofu

And nowadays, I'm no longer that kid I was 1 time together with I'd say, my dumpling skins are no longer every bit thick together with I mean value I've got the technique quite correct yesteryear now. Practice makes perfect together with I convey yet to brand mine all perfect.

Pot Stickers
Recipe source: Wendyywy
Inspired by: Mrs Loh Lord's Day Chai
Yields: xxx pieces

Wrapper dough
400gm all job flour
200gm water
¾ tsp salt
1 Tbsp oil

300gm minced pork
150gm Chinese chives, chopped
1 tsp salt
Good dash of pepper
two Tbsp cornstarch
1 egg
½ Tbsp sesame oil

1. Prepare wrapper dough. Mix tabular array salt amongst water. Put flour into mixing bowl, brand a good inwards the center. Pour tabular array salt H2O together with crude oil into the well. Combine to shape a dough. Knead until a smoothen dough forms. Cover together with allow dough residuum for 1 hour.
2. Prepare filling. Combine everything.
3. Divide dough into xxx pieces, close 20gm each. Roll each slice into a ball. (Line upward the balls thence that yous know which was formed first)
4. Roll balls of dough flat, close 2mm thick. (If dough resist to live on rolled out, allow it residuum for to a greater extent than or less other five minutes). Gently peel dough off the table, the circumference volition slightly shrink.
5. Place a tablespoon of filling onto rolled-out dough together with pinch the middle together.
6. Pleat the front end business office of the dough (refer flick below), pinch the seams to seal.
7. Lightly flour the bottom of the dumpling together with identify on a tray. (I describe of piece of work the tray amongst not stick baking paper) Cover it to preclude the raw dumplings from drying out.
8. To educate dumplings. Heat a pan on medium rut together with set inwards two Tbsp of cooking oil. Place dumplings inwards pan. Let it fry for a piece together with and thence set inwards ½ loving cup water. Cover amongst lid together with educate until H2O dries up. Let dumplings fry inwards the remaining crude oil until the base of operations is golden together with crunchy.
9. Dish upward together with serve warm amongst Mrs Loh’s Guotie Chilli Dipping Sauce.

the fillings

Wrapping Technique

Frying Technique

I am submitting this to Aspiring Bakers #19
DimSum Affair
Hosted yesteryear Small Small Baker
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