Love To Bake Roti Bathroom - Mff Melaka #4

John's Toast. LOL. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Susie yesterday together with a John today. Sounds cannabilistic eating these, joking :p

I'm non certain if the individual who invented this is named John because there's no information at all on the meshwork almost its origins. Even though nosotros produce non know where this toast evolved from, it's a known fact that it's actually pop inward Melaka, peculiarly inward Pantai Puteri,Tanjung Kling, Melaka. Read Vkeong's review on

i long bun (11-12 inches)
Some butter or margarine
Oil for greasing

i Tbsp crispy fried anchovies
i pc canned sardin + i Tbsp of the ketchup
1/2 cherry-red chilli
Some sliced onions
i Tbsp chopped jump onion
i Tbsp chopped chinese parsley (daun sup)
i egg
dash of white pepper

Chilli Dipping Sauce
two Tbsp of chilli sauce
two Tbsp hot water

1. Grease a baking tray amongst oil. Put into oven, on the lowest rack and preheat at 200C, bottom oestrus only.
2. Coarsely blitz anchovies together with chilli. Combine amongst the residue of the filling ingredients.
3. Split the bun together with spread the filling onto it. Top amongst unopen to sparse butter slices.
4. Place bun, filling side downwards into hot baking tray together with bake until it smells good, almost 5-7 minutes.
5. Slice roti john together with serve amongst chilli dipping sauce.

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