Love To Bake Caramelized Onions

When I saw these on Zurin's blog, I was totally attracted to the goldeness of the onion strands.

I honey onions, live on it raw or cooked, inward soups or inward salads. I honey them all. Even when I was a kid, whenever grandaunt cooked sweetness together with sour fish, she likes to seat inward lots of sliced onions, together with I'll choice those upwards together with eat. Better than the fish itself.

Somehow I regretted using exclusively 1kg of onions,... afterwards you'll know why.

Caramelized Onions
Recipe adapted from Cherry on a Cake

1kg xanthous onions
four tbsp of cooking oil
two Tbsp worcestershire sauce
two Tbsp dark-brown sugar
1 Tbsp butter
Salt for seasoning

1.Wash, tegument together with piece the onions.
2.Put inward a 4 Tbsp of crude oil into a heavy based pot together with educate onions on medium depression heat. Stirring from fourth dimension to time until they turn pale golden.
3.Then seat inward sugar, worcestershire sauce and butter. Season alongside salt. Then on, stir it all the while.
4. Cook until onion is translucent together with nicely golden.
5. Push onions to 1 side, contestation the pot together with allow the extra crude oil menstruation away from the onions. Let it residual for xv minutes.
6. Dish up, leaving the extra fatty inward the pot.

This is the outcome, from the large bowl of sliced onions, I'm left alongside merely 1 loving cup of caramelized onions. One hr of effort!!!!! I should've doubled the sum together with made more.

Then I filled them into my sausage sandwich.
Tasted absolutely lovely

Filled to a greater extent than or less for my inward laws too

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