Love To Bake Chocolate Enigma Cake

It’s Mike’s Birthday (last month) and every year, it’s going to live chocolate. When I saw this cake on Hearty Bakes, I totally loved how dark it looked too it seemed I tin sack odour the chocolate from the screen, rattling very delicious looking. I’m non actually an all chocolate girl, but I create swallow chocolate i time inwards a blueish moon. But my married adult man lurves this dark looking confectionary that I’m simply hence so with. Any chocolate cake, he’ll say, hmm,.. forthwith this is what I telephone phone cake. Hahahaha!! So, how tin sack I non brand him chocolate cakes for his birthdays ??

I too had a tin sack of dark pitted cherries too I mightiness equally good purpose that to fill upward the cake, since the cake is rather curt Well, I baked the cake inwards a ix inch pan rather than a recommended vii inch..
But when I opened the tin sack of cherries, the color is totally non what I expected. So, I’ve learnt my lesson non to purchase Red Man’s canned cherries. The syrup didn’t fifty-fifty encompass the fruits! In the end, I threw inwards some cubed strawberries into the filling. Might live weird to convey an adult looking cake alongside some bits of strawberries inwards it, but, it’s dainty to convey some fresh fruits inwards it.

And I too copycatted Hearty Bakes inwards the agency I decorated this cake. Just hop to this post  of hers too yous tin sack come across how much I copied from her. Her cakes all expression hence good made.

Bitter Choc Chiffon
Adapted from Hearty Bakes


(A) 100g Bittersweet chocolate (chopped)
10gm butter

(B) five egg yolks
20g carbohydrate

(C) 40ml H2O

(D) 60g Cake flour
10g dark cocoa pulverization (it looks similar charcoal powder)
1/2tsp baking pulverization

(E) five egg whites
½ tsp cream of tartar
40g sugar

Choc Ganache:
100g Whipping cream
100g Dark Chocolate

400gm dairy whipping cream
three Tbsp sugar
1 tsp gelatin
1 Tbsp water
1 loving cup chopped strawberries


1. Sieve Cake flour alongside cocoa pulverization too baking powder. Set aside
2. Preheat oven to 170deg C
3. Double boil to melt (A). Stir till smooth
4. In some other bowl, whisk (B) till pale inwards colour
5. Add inwards melted choc (A) mixture, add together (C) stir till combine
6. Add inwards (D), bend till mixture well-mixed.
7. In some other bowl, whisk whites(E) till frothy, add together cream of tartar too rhythm out until soft peaks too add together sugar. Whisk till stiff peaks
8. Fold gently 1/3 whites alongside chocolate mixture
9. Fold the residuum of whites
10. Pour batter into 7" cake pan (I used ix inch springform pan)
11. Baking fourth dimension some 40mins
12. Insert skewer to banking concern jibe if cake is done
13. Overturn cake tin to cool cake
14. Unmould cake

1. Break chocolate too pose into a bowl.
2. Bring cream to a boil, stirring all the time, it's gear upward when it has modest bubble on the side.
3. Pour scalded cream onto chocolate too allow it sit down for 1 minute.
4. Stir until smooth. Set aside.

1. Freeze bowl for at least 15 minutes earlier use. If using stainless steel bowl, gear upward too H2O ice bathroom for purpose later.
2. Place H2O inwards a rut proof bowl too sprinkle gelatin onto water. Let it sit down for 1 infinitesimal too melt it inwards the microwave(high for xxx secs) or over a hot pan of water. Let it cool down.
3. Remove frozen bowl from freezer (place inwards H2O ice bathroom if stainless steel bowl) too pour inwards mutual frigidness whipping cream.
4. Beat on depression speed until it starts to thicken too hence increase to high. When cream has reached soft peaks, pose inwards carbohydrate too rhythm out until virtually stiff. Pour inwards melted gelatin too rhythm out until stiff.
5. Use immdiately to frost.

To assemble
1. Slice cooled cake into three layers
2. Place three Tbsp of ganache over the bottom layer too spread evenly. Put 1/2 loving cup of cream over bottom layer too spread. Sprinkle one-half the strawberries over.
3. Take some other slice of cake too spread three Tbsp of ganache too some other 1/2 loving cup of cream. Then pose the creamed layer on top of the strawberries on bottom layer.
4. Spread three Tbsp of ganache onto the 2d cake layer (now on top of bottom layer) too and hence repeat footstep two too 3. Now yous volition convey three layers of cake sandwiched alongside two layers of filling.
5. Spread to a greater extent than cream all over cake too freeze the cake for 10 minutes
6. Prepare a piping purse alongside a three mm obviously nozzle. Pour inwards all the remaining ganache.
7. Remove cake from freezer too piping ganache to encompass cake sides too lastly top alongside Ferrero Rodnoir.
8. Chill for few hours earlier serving.

Frankly, The cake was wonderful when it was unchilled. Lovely too chocolatey. Soft too moist. But i time it was chilled, the cake somehow turned dry. Maybe it was due to the melted chocolate content that made it harder when cold. But when the cake was left overnight, the wet from the strawberries seeped into the cake, too made it much better. I strongly recommend that some variety of fruits live added into the filling to avoid the dry out mouthfeel when the cake is eaten chilled.
Mike said the cake is nice, too the solely affair non dainty is the Ferrero Rodnoir. He told me to purpose Rocher adjacent fourth dimension if I e'er desire to purpose Ferreros for his cakes. The Rodnoir somehow turned chewy after existence chilled for some hours.
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