Love To Bake Leek Omelette Together With Vote For The Winner!!!

Leeks, pungent eaten raw, but sweetness when cooked.

I never knew that leeks tin live used to brand omelettes until I tasted this at the store I frequent daily for lunch. Yes, I don't educate my lunch. I do, but i time inwards a bluish moon, a genuinely bluish one.

As always, I don't similar to dump the raw ingredients into the egg, shell together with and then fry.
I e'er prefer to saute the ingredients before I add together them to the egg. This way, it's a lot lot to a greater extent than fragrant.

You tin add together chopped dried shrimps to the omelette, together with it makes it super dee super delicious. For method, refer to my Chinese Chives Omelette recipe. The recipe I used to hold out on only RM50 for a month.

So, how I did this this time,

Leek Omelette
Recipe rootage : Wendyywy

two cups sliced leeks, greenish together with white parts (just oculus ball it, I used i Cameronian English linguistic communication leek)
3 Eggs
Salt together with pepper to taste

1. In a hot wok or pan, oestrus together with pose inwards 1 Tbsp of oil.
2. Put inwards sliced leeks together with saute until soft together with some of them appear lightly golden on the edges.
3. Dish upward together with mix amongst eggs together with some tabular array salt together with pepper, no ask to shell til frothy.
4. Heat a pan or wok on medium oestrus together with pose inwards two Tbsp of cooking il. Pour inwards one-half the mixture. Spread it around together with when the bottom seems trouble solid together with golden, flip the omelette to brownish the other side.
5. Repeat pace 4 to complete upward the egg mixture.

Now, permit me bother yous for the terminal fourth dimension most the giveaway.

The vote for the winner.

Before that,
All the entries submitted in, they all await delicious together with made amongst examine together with love. But they are a fleck inside the norm, peculiarly those amongst H2O ice creams. I also quite liked Jasmine's stacked pancakes sandwiched amongst homemade "Devon cream", but it's non exciting enough. I was wondering, how come upward I'm non seeing the pancakes stacked every bit a cream cake amongst candles, or topped amongst pizza toppings together with made into a pizza pancake, or fifty-fifty cooked inwards longish shapes together with rolled amongst some variety of filling, or topped amongst some non thence unremarkably seen toppings. Or fifty-fifty tiddler them modest together with poke them into skewers amongst fruits together with brand pancake fruit skewers. Maybe I was giving every bit good much pressure level or mayhap this giveaway rival came at the incorrect time, when everybody is busy amongst yr halt exams together with holidays. Anyway, I promise rattling i enjoyed trying out the recipe, together with to those who had burnt pancakes together with dared non submit, haha, no worries, the cake leveler is upward for grabs to the lucky one. Bravo to those who daringly submitted.

Very frankly, I didn't say u this inwards advance. Initially, I genuinely wanted to choose my favourite 3 together with permit my readers choose their favourite out of the three.
Not that I dearest burgers, no..... at that topographic point are two burgers here, ahahah!!! If entirely those petit fours (haha, the blogger herself should know who I am talking about) came inwards earlier, it'll live inwards the function past times 3 every bit well, but it came in too late.

And the nominees are...........................................

First Nominee
Lena's Burger Pancake

Second Nominee,
Swee San's Almost Sloppy Joe Pancakes

3rd Nominee
Lena's Pancake Freezing inwards Snow

Vote vote vote!!!!!
If ever at that topographic point is a tie, together with then I'll role a random generator to larn an additional vote. But before the winner is decided past times the generator, yous create upward one's hear the winner!! Pick your favourite!
Anonymous votes amongst no names are non counted.

Closing fourth dimension to vote: December eighth 2010, 11pm GMT+8
Winners proclamation on Saturday
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