Love To Bake Mustard Light-Green Too Oyster Soup - Brassica Trio # 3

Days are hot. I’m boiling herbal drinks around every solar daytime to cool down.

Mustard greens gustatory modality bitter. It’s the solely bitter veggie that I consume, together with non solely consume, you lot tin laissez passer on the axe nation I’m similar crazy for it. I won’t live on able to resist whatever dish amongst this. Be it the “rubbish vege” that nosotros produce amongst leftover dishes, or the banquet dish of Mustard Greens amongst Mushrooms, or but a uncomplicated stir youngster of Mustard Greens, I tin laissez passer on the axe never always resist the sight of it. I must eat together with eat a lot of it. I'm insane for it.

When my saw unopen to mustard greens at Tesco, my take heed at in ane trial remembered this soup that I’ve bookmarked for a quite a few months. My MIL said, “Won’t this live on likewise cooling if made into soup?”. Well, to me, isn’t it perfect for this crazily hot weather? We definitely need something super cooling.
But then, but inwards representative it’s likewise “cool”, I left the blood-red dates unseeded. If you lot desire it to live on rattling very cool, together with hence take away the seeds.

Mustard Green Soup
Recipe source: Foodie’s Kitchen

750gm mustard green
400gm pork soup bones or ribs
150gm carrots
20gm/4 dried oysters
four shitake mushrooms (mine were was big every bit Marie biscuits when soaked, role to a greater extent than if yours are smaller), soaked
30gm/15 blood-red dates
2L H2O

1. Bring H2O to boil.
2. Meanwhile, tegument together with cutting carrots into slanting chunks.
3. Rinse oysters pose them into the pot.
4. Score the blood-red dates together with pose them in
5. Separate each foliage from of the mustard light-green together with launder to take away sand. Separate the petioles(the difficult crunchy parts of the leaf) together with the soft foliage parts. Cut the petioles into chunks together with tear the soft foliage parts into smaller pieces.
6. When H2O has come upwards to a boil, pose inwards pork ribs together with convey dorsum to a boil.
7. Put inwards mustard petioles together with convey to a boil for 10 minutes. Reduce to a simmer for 1hour.
8. Put inwards soft mustard leaves together with convey dorsum to a boil. Simmer for unopen to other hour.
9. Season amongst common salt together with serve.

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