Love To Bake My Confinement Menu

If yous are curious close what I ate throughout my confinement, this is my weekly menu. I've received emails agency earlier I fifty-fifty started posting close confinement,  bespeak close the nutrient I eat or the nutrient I recommend.
So, hither is my card for your reference. It may non endure acceptable to some. So, produce refer to the menu at your ain discretion.

During my sec confinement (Lyanne's time), I prepared a card too. My Confinement lady as well as therefore took my menu back amongst my permission. She tried bespeak her other clients whether they desire to follow my menu. They all shook their heads as well as said my card is equally good modern for them, as well as stuck to Ginger Fried Rice as well as Ginger Wine Chicken. Much to the dismay of my confinement lady because she volition endure stuck to eat the same tiresome nutrient equally well. My confinement lady e'er enjoys her occupation amongst me equally she gets to bask diverseness as well as adept nutrient during these iv weeks, as well as she e'er acquire to larn something novel as well as brings novel recipes dorsum amongst her. My wife says, I pay her to larn from me, haha. Well, depends on how yous await at it. I'm pretty much ok.

Now, close my menu, I ate gingery, sesame stone oil rich foods during the day, as well as had less heaty foods for dinner. The argue is that, my whole household unit of measurement volition endure dining together, therefore the nutrient must endure to a greater extent than neutral for daily consumption. They volition non endure able to direct inwards the same amount of ginger as well as sesame stone oil equally much equally I can. It's weird, believe it or not, if i is non inwards confinement, i volition non endure able to eat therefore much ginger as well as sesame stone oil on a daily footing for i month. You volition endure struck amongst sore pharynx for sure.

If yous know people who don't believe inwards heaty or cooling foods, elbow grease this card amongst them for 2 weeks, peculiarly the tiffin items. Then I'm certain they'd believe every discussion yous in i lawsuit told them.

Most of the recipes are works life inwards this blog. Please click on the dish's cite to become to the recipe


Homemade Steamed Buns (Yeah, I made my ain )

Lunch: (alternate weeks)
Chicken amongst Oyster Mushroom Soup  /  Chicken amongst dark fungus as well as wine

Soup (alternate weeks)
Black Chicken Black Dates Soup  /  Shallot Pork Ribs/chicken Soup
Meat/Protein (choose one)
Turmeric Fried Fish Sweet as well as Sour Fish /  Ginger Fried Fish
Aubergine  / Celery / Loofah
Minced Meat Omelette/Egg FuYong



Breakfast: (Alternate weeks)
Ginger Chicken Porridge / Peanut Octopus Porridge

Lunch: (alternate weeks)
Ginger Chicken Porridge / Peanut Octopus Porridge
*I purposely arranged for an easy meal cooked in the morning to plow over my confinement lady fourth dimension to laid pickled ginger as well as papaya. These ii total Luna treats are fourth dimension consuming to prepare.

Soup (alternate weeks)
Kelp as well as Beans Soup  /  Burdock Red Bean Soup
Meat/Protein (choose one)
Steamed chicken amongst Angelica  /  Fennel as well as Onion ChickenSteamed chicken amongst ruddy dates / Three Cups Chicken
Brocolli  / Cauliflower
Tofu amongst minced meat / Palak tofu




Lunch: (alternate weeks)
Pork trotter inwards vinegar  /  Assam pork trotter / Black Vinegar Ribs

Soup (alternate weeks)
ABC Soup  /  Apple Soup / Papaya Pork Rib Soup
Meat/Protein (choose one)
Braised Chicken amongst Mushrooms as well as Fungus  /  Braised Chicken amongst Ginger  /  Chicken amongst sesame stone oil as well as bencurd stick
Spinach  / Sweet Potato Shoots
Steamed Eggs / 3 cups tofu



Sausage Eggs

Ginger Egg Fried Rice
Miyeok Guk 

Soup (alternate weeks)
Black Soy amongst Pork Ribs Soup  /  Pork Stomach Pepper Soup
Meat/Protein (choose one)
Cantonese Steamed Fish  /  Hot Bean Paste Steamed Fish  /  Mushroom Ginger Steamed Fish
Cabbage  / Amaranth (bayam)
Onion / Leek Omelette




Lunch: (alternate weeks)
Fish Soup amongst rice/noodles

Soup (alternate weeks)
Chicken Red Dates Soup  /  Chicken Feet Peanut Soup / Snakehead Fish Sweetcorn Soup
Meat/Protein (choose one)
Steamed Bean Paste Pork  /  Ginger Onion Stir Fried Pork  /  Turmeric Stir Fried Pork / Dangshen Pork Rib Stew
Long Beans  / French beans
Sunny side upward eggs / omelette amongst minced meat gravy



Dry Tossed Noodles

Lunch: (alternate weeks)
Ginger Steamed Chicken 
Blanched vegetables

Main meal(choose one)
Hainanese Chicken Rice
Bak Kut Teh
Claypot Chicken Rice
ChoySum / Siew Pak Choy



French toasts

Lunch: (I wanted something household unit of measurement friendly for Dominicus lunch, tin endure eaten anytime)
Fried noodles
Red Bean soup

Soup (alternate weeks)
Lotus Root Soup  /  Lean Pork Soup amongst Arrowroot as well as Octopus
Meat/Protein (choose one)
Fennel Thyme Honey Roasted Chicken  /  Fermented Beancurd Fried Chicken  /  Lemongrass Roasted Chicken / Ginger juice fried chicken
Rommaine lettuce  / Iceberg lettuce
Silken Tofu / Steamed tofu amongst enoki as well as beech mushrooms


And don't forget to possess got your daily dose of Chicken Essence for supper. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 alter of supper to Hasma amongst Red Dates volition endure nice. And about dessert similar Double Boiled Papaya inwards Milk every immediately as well as then. And gulp lots of Red Dates Tea to replenish liquids as well as vital nutrients.

Happy Confinement to those who are going to become through this catamenia of time.
Enjoy yourself as well as non abuse yourself.

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