Love To Bake My Garden - Choke To Know Me Calendar Week # 2

Some of you lot mightiness know that I'm fussy nearly nutrient names. Yam/Taro or Amaranth/Spinach. Or how sometimes when some beau bloggers finds some weird fruit, in addition to that volition brand me become on a crazy frenzy trying to position them.

I graduated alongside a Minor inwards Horticulture. What's horticulture? In short, I studied nearly plants alongside commercial value similar vegetables, fruit in addition to ornamental flowers. Now you lot know why I'm soooooooo detail nearly such things. I'm peculiarly passionate for flora taxonomy, in addition to that is flora classification. LOL. Maybe it's due to an early on exposure to orchids. My belatedly dad was a self taught orchid horticulturist, who won numerous awards inwards major competitions and nicknamed Species King inside the orchid enthusiasts inwards Malaysia during his time. Dad passed away when I was 12, so, my trips to orchid exhibitions were cutting short..very short. But during the few years that I followed my dad around, I e'er helped out alongside placing the orchids where they belong, according to their type. That's was how I got started, since 10.

But weirdly, I don't convey light-green fingers. Not everything I flora lives. I may know all the theory that I could retrieve from my coursework, but whether the flora lives or not? Up to God to determine. LOL.

Currently I'm using au naturel nitrogen rich fertilizers produced from non other than my dearie Lyanne. LOL.
Reuben's volition endure next.

Here are some plants inwards my garden correct now...

Dragon fruit seedlings
They simply grew when I discarded some pulp in addition to pare intending them to plough into compost

Lemon trees
These grew out of seed. My hubby's aunt brought some homegrown lemons dorsum from Australia. We never expected them to grow, in addition to it was simply consume in addition to throw. :p
I hit promise they hit fruit later

Bird's Eye Chilli.
A must for lovers of all things spicy. Sometimes you lot exclusively take away a few in addition to it's so wasteful buying RM1 in addition to allowing them to rot inwards the fridge. My FIL bought this in addition to transplanted it into the pot.

Curry foliage plant.
Don't flora them inwards the ground. They brand everything odor similar them.

 Just shooted from some shop bought roots. I am planting them for the fragrant flowers.

Aloe Vera.
The huge type. Good for dessert, soups or pare care

See some of those lying yesteryear the side of the pot? Actually I bought those in addition to they were dried upwardly inwards the fridge. So I tot, they should endure dead in addition to threw them into the pot to rot. But they were revived, in addition to grew roots in addition to shoots. Rootless, leafless, looks dead, but ressurected by contact alongside soil. BTW, lemongrass is so pricey nowadays. RM1 for 4 stalks only.

Food bloggers e'er take away some mint for ornamentation purposes. :)
My MIL bought some mint from the market, took the leaves off for consumption, in addition to I kept the stems inwards H2O (like flowers inwards a vase) until they rooted. Only so did I flora them inwards the soil. Now, growing real well.

A must inwards the South East Asian home.
It's growing tooooooo irksome for my consumption rate.

Passionfruit seedlings.
You tin dismiss grow your ain passionfruit. Just throw some seeds onto the dry reason :)
But brand certain you lot give them something to creep about

One stem came together alongside my bunch of wild amaranth (马屎苋). I simply discard similar that in addition to it grew.
Never ate this before, but volition attempt it afterwards when it grows more. Read upwardly that it's rich inwards Omega acids.

Rue / 臭草
It's 'smelly grass'. Used inwards desserts. My MIL got this flora for me.

Spring onions
Planted from shallots that expression shriveled inwards my pantry.  They may non endure expert equally shallots, but volition endure expert equally scallions or outpouring onions. Don't stick them into the soil. Onto the soil volition endure expert enough.

I occupation the leaves to brand rendang. Crucial crucial!
If you're hardworking, dig upwardly the roots instead of buying.

I won't say what is this. You guess!
Hint: It's unremarkably constitute at colder climates in addition to the purpose nosotros consume is red.
Swee San, you lot cannot guess. Reese also cannot. OiLai also cannot.
This flora got me jumping upwardly in addition to downward alongside excitement!

 30/9/2011: Answer is :
Strawberry seedlings,
they came out of thrown out mouldy strawberries.

My "To-Plant" list:
Red Torch Ginger (Bunga Kantan)
Thai Basil
Sweet Basil
Mutingia Tree (Kaya fruit)

I'll endure including some gardening materials into my weblog inwards the future,
of things that i come about to flora successfully ...
God bless my garden!

Buat lebih berguna, kongsi: