Love To Bake Plum Oatmeal Madeira Cake - Rock Fruits # 3

A cake that I tin overstep to a greater extent than or less making people intend it's healthy. LOL. I only said, this cake has oats inwards it as well as they replied, "It's healthy, yumz" LOL.

So, if you lot desire to brand yourself 'feel' amend when devouring a cake, essay this out. LOL. Reasons, whether valid or not, only eat.

One regret amongst this cake. I shouldn't bring used fortuna plums, instead become for dark plums. Black plums when baked are real very pretty. It stains the cake pink, brilliant pinkish instead of beingness pale pink. I'll never bake amongst fortuna plums again.

Plum Oatmeal Madeira Cake
Recipe source: recipe/Plum_and_Oatmeal_Madeira_Cake.aspx">Waitrose

250gm /3 ruby-red plums (I used Fortuna plums, I recommend dark plums instead)
100gm butter
100gm golden caster carbohydrate (I used soft chocolate-brown sugar)
ii medium eggs (grade C)
125gm cake flour
1 tsp baking powder
¼ tsp baking soda
50gm oatmeal
100gm icing sugar
Few tablespoons of orangish juice

1. Remove seed from plums as well as cutting into chunks.
2. Sift flour, baking pulverisation as well as baking soda together. Mix amongst oatmeal. Set aside
3. Preheat oven to 160(fan)/180C as well as business 1 large loaf pan or ii pocket-size loaf pans
4. Beat butter as well as carbohydrate until pale as well as fluffy.
5. Beat inwards egg, i past times one, beating good afterward each addition. Remember to scrape the bowl afterward each egg.
6. Put one-half of (2) into (5) as well as shell on depression speed until good combined. Scrape sides of bowl.
7. Put inwards residuum of (2) as well as orangish zest as well as shell until good combined.
8. Fold inwards 2/3 of plums as well as arrive at sum pans amongst batter. Top amongst residuum of plums as well as gently press them in (I forgot to reserve as well as threw them all inwards into the batter! Hahaha)
9. Bake for 35mins-1 hour, depending on pan size, until skewer comes out clean.
10. Cool inwards pan for xx minutes earlier turning it out.
11. Mix icing carbohydrate amongst plenty orangish juice to preferred consistency. Drizzle over cooled cake.

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