Love To Bake Strawberry N Cream Layered Sponge Pancake - Pancake Quad #2

Remember the sponge pancake?

It was a lazy afternoon together with I had but about Korean strawberries together with lots of cream inward the refrigerator waiting for me to role usage use. Let's but say, three cartons of one-half used or quarter used whipping cream, altogether 1.6L. Blame them on bake orders. They all came five days apart together with I never sell bakes made from an quondam pack of cream (more than three days). Always novel pack. Which is why I ever had to intend of ways to role upwardly the balance.  And the amount I needed was to a greater extent than than 200ml each time, thence to buy two small-scale packs of cream is but non economical.

FYI, I produce proceed my cream for to a greater extent than than three days equally the cream available hither is non farm fresh but UHTed already. I ever produce a gustation examination later seven days earlier I role them, together with later seven days, the cream is ever cooked/baked earlier consumption. Any longer together with then xiv days, I'll freeze them til GKW. My tape was keeping them for three weeks inward the fridge. Don't worry, they alone larn consumed, never sold.

This time, I did a uncomplicated tea fourth dimension process for my loved ones together with the whole affair was gobbled upwardly inward but 1 sitting.

Easy together with nice.

Refer hither for sponge pancake recipe.
Just produce three batches of it separately. Do non endure greedy together with rhythm out three batches together. Chances are, the batter volition larn deflated earlier it is fifty-fifty cooked.

Then, but rhythm out but about cream, pipage it over the pancakes together with transcend alongside strawberries.


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