Love To Bake Apple Tree Soup 苹果汤

Aunty Veronica Ting was the pastor of my church building during my early on teens Love to Bake Apple Soup  苹果汤

Aunty Veronica Ting was the pastor of my church building during my early on teens. We lived to a greater extent than or less each other together with she is a honey solid unit of measurement friend. During the concluding few months of her attachment here, she was downward amongst Athritis, together with she'd asking that I receive for sure foods for her, goose egg malu-malu(to hold upward shy of), cos she treats us similar existent unopen friends. Now she's posted dorsum to where she came from, KL Wesley, looking improve together with healthier than always before. God bless u, Aunty Veron.

Before she had that articulation pain, she ofttimes dines at our place, uninvited (there's no involve to invite in 1 lawsuit it's similar family) together with in 1 lawsuit she brought us this wonderful soup, never eaten before….. It’s apple tree soup. Huh? Apples tin hold upward made into soup? Yup… she did, together with she taught me how to create it. I doubled upward her recipe here.

1 Chicken breast, skinless, bones on (abt 500-600gms, skinless weight)
4 ruby-red apples (abt 600gm inwards total), peeled, halved, cored. I used Washington Cameos.
2L water.
¾ tsp common salt for seasoning.

That’s merely it.

Bring the H2O to a boil together with set inwards chicken pectus together with apples. Simmer on depression rut for two to 2.5 hours. Season amongst salt.

Aunty Veronica Ting was the pastor of my church building during my early on teens Love to Bake Apple Soup  苹果汤
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