Love To Bake Bingka Ubi (Baked Cassava Cake) 木薯糕

s mom reminded me of how skillful my tapioca cake was Love to Bake Bingka Ubi (Baked Cassava Cake) 木薯糕
s mom reminded me of how skillful my tapioca cake was Love to Bake Bingka Ubi (Baked Cassava Cake) 木薯糕

I kickoff made baked tapioca/cassava cake agency dorsum during uni days, as well as I’ve forgotten that I did, until late Kin Thong’s mom reminded me of how skillful my tapioca cake was. I was surprised, did I brand that before???

I tried to intend back, yeah, I did brand tapioca cake before. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 few times inwards fact! Many, many years back.
My mom loved it as well as hence much as well as she asked me to brand her 1 to convey to a church building outing, as well as she got her friends to similar it every bit well, as well as that included Kin Thong’s mom. It but feels funny when things that I made, I’ve forgotten close it, spell others were nevertheless reminiscing close it.

Where did I larn to brand this? My uni friend, Saik Yann’s dad, Mr Cheng. Actually I never tasted her dad’s tapioca cake, but or as well as hence other uni friend of mine did, Yen Cher. She told me how skillful Mr Cheng’s tapioca cake was. So, I called Saik Yann upward as well as asked her how to practice it. There were no exact measurements (her dad made it past times feel), but she could alone say me the type of ingredients inwards it, So, I had to experiment. And it came out well.

My MIL bought 1.2kg of yellowish cassava, as well as asked me what tin I practice amongst this. I all of a abrupt idea of the tapioca cake I used to make. I checked out Rohani Jelani’s kuih recipe book, as well as checked the amount of liquid, as well as adapted it to Mr Cheng’s tapioca cake composition. Actually his had cheddar cheese topping, I omitted it this time. Feel costless to add together it if u want.

1.2kg Cassava /Tapioca/ Ubi kayu (When peeled as well as grated, 900gm)
200gm sugar
200ml thick kokosnoot milk
250ml water
2 eggs
40gm butter

1.Peel as well as grate cassava. Leave at room temperature. I used yellowish cassava. If u’re using yellowish ones, ignore the farther instructions inwards (1). If using white cassava, which could survive slightly bitter, press out juices into a container as well as allow the juice sit down until the starch settles on the bottom. Pour the juice into a measuring loving cup to course of report the H2O from the starch. Measure the cassava H2O as well as discard. Substitute the discarded amount amongst laid upward clean water. Combine the laid upward clean water, starch as well as grated cassava. Add or as well as hence yellowish colouring if desired.
2.Combine kokosnoot milk amongst eggs.
3.Boil H2O as well as sugar. Melt inwards butter. Pour this hot solution over (1) as well as stir to combine. It should thicken slightly.
4.Pour (2) into (3). Stir.
5.Pour batter into a lined vii inch foursquare baking pan. Bake inwards a preheated oven at 170/180C for 1 hr or until golden brown.

s mom reminded me of how skillful my tapioca cake was Love to Bake Bingka Ubi (Baked Cassava Cake) 木薯糕 s mom reminded me of how skillful my tapioca cake was Love to Bake Bingka Ubi (Baked Cassava Cake) 木薯糕

How to peel the pare of cassava...
s mom reminded me of how skillful my tapioca cake was Love to Bake Bingka Ubi (Baked Cassava Cake) 木薯糕

The grater I used.... It's lots of bicep work!
s mom reminded me of how skillful my tapioca cake was Love to Bake Bingka Ubi (Baked Cassava Cake) 木薯糕
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