Love To Bake Cassava Cake, Non Kuih


Yes, cassava cake, non cassava kuih. This is cake, soft too fluffy similar a cake. Not fluffy similar sponge cake, but similar a butter cake, at to the lowest degree non every bit dense similar kuih.

Sigh… my cake smelt of durian. The reason? My FIL kept some durians, non air tight, inwards the freezer where I kept ten blocks of butter. What tin I say…???? Nothing, only kept quiet. I solely realized the butter smelt of durian when I took a slice too used. The whole batter smelt of durian….when baked, it nevertheless odour too tasted durian, chip non also much, but it’s distracting.

Inspired past times Mat Gebu. I adapted from his adaptation from AlongRoz ( who adapted from BTW, is this AlongRoz the same Roz from HomeKreation?
His recipe uses yellowish nutrient colouring, but mine didn’t, cos I used yellowish cassava. Feel complimentary to purpose some colouring, if you lot want to.

As for the cassava, I measured it afterwards I peeled, grated too squeezed it. Before I squeezed it, it felt wet, but afterwards I squeezed it, it was every bit moist every bit freshly grated coconut. Not also dry out though. And I packed it tight into a criterion cup, to come across how much it’ll be. Cos I flora that some tapioca planted elsewhere may bring a higher sum of moisture. Therefore it is difficult to guess how much to purpose inwards weight earlier squeezing. So, I measured it afterwards I squeezed, too purpose book rather than weight to mensurate for the sake of those having moist cassavas.

Cassava Cake
Adapted from Mat Gebu who adapted from AlongRoz (

190gm butter
160gm sugar
three large eggs
½ Tbsp vanilla extract
½ loving cup evaporated milk (I used thus much more, cos I read wrongly, but non a bad determination :p)
140gm self raising flour (or substitute amongst 140gm cake flour + 1/2 Tbsp baking powder)
1 loving cup packed tightly, finely grated squeezed dry out cassava (about 300gm, how much it weighs depends on how dry out it is)

1. Preheat oven at 160/180C.
2. Cream butter too saccharide until low-cal too fluffy
3. Put inwards eggs, 1 past times one, beating good afterwards each addition.
4. Put inwards vanilla too trounce for a while.
5. Put inwards one-half the flour too mix, too thus one-half the milk. Repeat the flour too milk sequence.
6. Fold inwards grated cassava.
7. Pour batter into a lined nine inch foursquare pan (You tin purpose 8 inch, only that you’ll larn a higher cake, I similar mine shorter)
8. Level the surface too bake for xl mins or until surface is golden too toothpick inserted comes out clean.

Something’s missing, only similar when nosotros bake amongst pandan, kokosnoot is a must. Maybe same goes for this. I mean value I’ll either supervene upon the evaporated milk amongst kokosnoot milk or position inwards freshly grated coconut. And I’ll definitely cut back the butter inwards this. H5N1 chip also oily inwards my opinion. 115gm may bring been enough. The sweetness is only nice, no involve to adjust.

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