Love To Bake Close My Blog

Some data most my ingredients in addition to tools that I utilisation inward my recipes.

1. Measurements.
All measurements are done amongst measure measuring tools. Measurements are all leveled, except when stated every bit heaped.
1 Tbsp = 15ml
1 tsp = 5ml
1 loving cup = 250ml
Even when it comes to cooking, I create non utilisation those tablespoons for eating rice to measure. One rice spoon is alone 5ml, so yous tin see 3 rice tablespoons is equivalent to 1 measuring Tablespoon. Your dish may plough out bland but because yous used the incorrect spoon to stair out the soy sauce.
When it comes to flour or sugar, I ever prefer weight measurements. Should yous postulate conversion to cups, at that topographic point are a lot of conversion tools online. I am non a conversion tool.

2. Oven in addition to Baking Temperatures
Before May 2011, I used a Microwave Convection Oven that is more 15 years old.
If at that topographic point are two temperatures stated inward my recipe, I utilisation the lower one, because my oven is a convection oven.
For conventional ovens, delight utilisation the sec temperature. If at that topographic point is alone 1 temperature stated, delight jack upwards the temperature yesteryear 20C if yous are using conventional ovens, every bit the stated temperature was the 1 I used.
Convection: Ovens amongst powerful fans
Conventional: Ovens amongst regular transcend in addition to bottom heating elements
Why does the convection oven uses a lower temperature?
-If yous direct maintain the air-cond on... in addition to so u direct maintain the fan on, create yous experience cooler or no changes? Definately cooler cos the mutual frigidity air hits your peel more. So, if your oven has a fan, yous volition experience a to a greater extent than intense heat.
After May 2011, I began using a built-in Bosch oven. Still temperature specs inward weblog rest the same, Convection/conventional.

3. Egg Size
All eggs used are large unless stated otherwise.
Large eggs weigh most 65gm shells on. Locally known every bit Grade A.

4. Flour
If no specific flour is stated, in addition to so it is all locomote flour. Local brands similar Cap Sauh, or Tesco describe solid build flours are all locomote flours. Even those that yous purchase yesteryear weight at the sundry shops are all purpose. And yes, all locomote flour is the same every bit patently flour.

What I utilisation interchangably
For Cakes:  Cake flour or superfine flour or depression poly peptide flour or Hi-Ratio flour, or substitute amongst 1 loving cup flour, convey out two Tbsp of it in addition to supercede amongst two Tbsp cornstarch. I rarely utilisation Self Raising Flour.
For Bread : Bread flour is also called every bit Hi Protein flour
For Pau/Steamed buns : Pau flour tin live on substituted amongst all purpose. Just that yous volition direct maintain a slightly coarser texture. They direct maintain about the same gluten level, but that pau flour is finer. Hong Kong flour is also suitable, the alone divergence is it volition live on whiter in addition to to a greater extent than expensive to use. Hong Kong flour is a highly bleached flour, hence I elbow grease non to utilisation it likewise much.
Starches: For cooking, cornstarch, tater starch and tapioca starch an live on used interchangebly. For making kuih or traditional cakes, delight inquire me if yous are unable to uncovering the type of starch stated in addition to they may yield unlike textures.

5. Butter in addition to Fats
I alone utilisation pure butter. No margarine, no dairy spreads (Buttercup, Farmcows). Unless I cannot modify the ingredient to butter, alone in addition to so I volition utilisation margarine.
For recipes calling for shortening, I don't direct maintain whatsoever specific build of preference.
For cake recipes calling for vegetable oil, I volition utilisation corn oil.
For cooking or frying, I alone utilisation Malaysian Palm Oil.

6. Milk products, Creams in addition to Coconut
Buttermilk: Buttermilk is rare inward Malaysia. I substitute this amongst either patently yogurt or 1 loving cup of total cream milk soured amongst 1 tbsp lemon/lime juice.
Milk: Whenever a recipe calls for milk, I ever utilisation Full Cream milk or unless stated. Substituting amongst depression fatty milk shouldn't live on a work unless the recipe says no to depression fat.
Dairy cream: For whipping purposes I utilisation 35% in addition to above. For cooking I utilisation whipping cream every bit well, every bit that is the alone type of cream that is easily available.
Non Dairy Topping Cream (Fresh Cream, every bit unremarkably refered to for Malaysian bekeries) : I elbow grease non to utilisation this subsequently I discovered that it was made amongst palm heart in addition to soul oil. Palm heart in addition to soul crude is non the same every bit palm oil. I alone utilisation this for decorative purposes. Although this is easier to whip in addition to contend than dairy creams, it is far inferior inward sense of savour when compared to dairy creams.
Coconut Milk : I alone utilisation freshly squeezed kokosnoot milk, undiluted amongst water, unless stated to build upwards for a certainly amount. Not all places sell fresh kokosnoot milk inward the same amount. If yous inquire for 1 coconut, they mightiness give yous 180ml, some places 200ml in addition to some 250ml. So, if I say 300ml kokosnoot milk from 1 coconut +water, it means, whatever your kokosnoot milk sells yous every bit 1 coconut, but add together extra H2O to build upwards 300ml. If boxed kokosnoot milk, 200ml is equivalent to 1 coconut's milk.

7. Sugar in addition to Seasonings (Please utilisation seasonings yesteryear ain discretion, every bit unlike brands may yield unlike levels of saltiness in addition to intensity of flavour)

For baking, I utilisation fine granulated sugar. You may utilisation Castor carbohydrate in addition to castor carbohydrate is finer than fine granulated. But create non utilisation granulated sugar, unless stated, similar the Castella Cake.
For cooking or making syrups, whatsoever sugar(except icing sugar) will live on fine

For cooking: I utilisation body of body of water salt. Those cheapo RM1/kg bought from sundry shops.
For baking: I utilisation fine salt.

Light Soy Sauce:
I regularly utilisation Lee Kum Kee (this has a sweeter end), Knife build or whatsoever other Chinese trend soy sauce. I create non utilisation Japanese soy sauce similar Kikkoman.

Dark Soy Sauce:
I regularly utilisation Lee Kum Kee. Those thick caramel soy sauce similar Bidor Kwong Heng may also live on used, but it is less salty in addition to much much darker.

Oyster Sauce:
I alone utilisation Lee Kum Kee.

Ketchup in addition to chilli sauce:
No build loyalty unless stated, but I alone purchase reputable brands.

Sesame oil:
I alone utilisation ruby-red label Ghee Hiang brand. Knife, Ajinomoto or Lee Tsun Hing are also ok, but I create non recommend whatsoever "blended sesame oils".

Belacan: Dried Shrimp Paste
I alone utilisation Choong Kim Chuan brand, blueish or gilded label volition live on fine.

Chinese Cooking Wine
Rose Wine - There is no substitute for this fragrant wine.
Shao Xing Wine - I alone purchase those aged five years. It toll around RM18 higher upwards per bottle, depending on the brand.

8. Photographs
Just inward illustration yous postulate to know, I utilisation a Canon 350D, amongst stock lens (the lens that comes amongst it). Don't inquire me most photography, I don't know much. I but seat it on auto focus in addition to click away.
When I photograph indoors, I utilisation an external flash, bounced off the wall in addition to ceiling.
When I desire to photograph amongst natural light, I seat my dependent area inward a good litted area, in addition to plough off the flash earlier I click away.
I utilisation PhotoImpact to create some youngster editing. I create non know much most this software too. Me tech idiot.

9. Cake mixer
I ain a Philips handheld mixer, bought for RM59. Since May 2011, I've got myself a Kitchen Aid to knead breads, but cakes are however generally made amongst the Philips handmixer. The model I utilisation is every bit shown below. I bought mine inward US, in addition to used it amongst a suitable transformer.

10. Amount of ingredients
Please adhere amongst the sum I state. If the recipe calls for 500gm of chicken in addition to yous determine to gear upwards 1kg, delight increase everything else accordingly.
I stair out my ingredients amongst a weighing scale, measuring cups in addition to measuring spoons. If yous uncovering it bland, add together to a greater extent than salt, if likewise salty, either discard some gravy in addition to add together to a greater extent than H2O to dilute the remaining gravy. Just suit it earlier it lands on your dinner table.
When it comes to soups, create non utilisation way to a greater extent than H2O than stated(+20% is however acceptable) and in addition to so uncovering the soup being tasteless. How much ingredients used affects the sum of salt needed. The character of the soup ingredient also deport on the sense of savour of the soup.
Feedbacks of tastelessness or blandness weren't stated inward the blog, non that I deleted them, but these were made to me yesteryear oral cavity or other forms of personal written communication, in addition to subsequently a curt troubleshooting disscussion, I institute that these people didn't follow the recipe every bit much every bit they should have. Should yous ever postulate to suit the recipe, delight create so amongst proper consideration in addition to calculation.

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I create promise that my readers volition relish my recipes every bit much every bit I enjoyed preparing them for my family.
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