Love To Bake Dark-Green Curry Chicken, Again

I didn’t conception to create this, but together with therefore I saw Thai basil inwards Jusco!!!! OMG, I simply got to construct something amongst that, together with on yeah, dark-green curry. It’s been domestic dog years since I’ve done that. And this time, I’m gonna utilisation cumin amongst it every bit well, it’s supposed to bring cumin, simply that I didn’t bring that terminal time, therefore now, I’m gonna utilisation that too.

750gm chicken pieces, chopped into smaller pieces together with marinate amongst 1 tsp tabular array salt for thirty minutes
1 russet Irish Gaelic patato or whatever other floury potatoes, peeled together with cubed

8 dark-green chillies (seeds partially removed, I continue to a greater extent than or less for the heat)
2 lemon grass (4 inches from the base)
3-4 shallots
two cloves garlic
Thumb sized ginger
Pinkie sized belacan/shrimp paste
1 Tbsp oil

(C )
1 tbsp coriander seeds
½ Tbsp cumin seeds
1 tsp dark pepper

200ml thick kokosnoot milk
Salt to taste
Oil for cooking
Handful of Thai basil

1. Blend (B) summation iii Tbsp kokosnoot cream (skim the overstep of the 200ml kokosnoot milk) until it becomes a smoothen paste
2. Mill (C ) until fine
3. Heat wok together with seat inwards 1 tbsp crude oil together with tiddler (c ) until fragrant, seat inwards (B) together with laid upward until it is real fragrant.
4. Put inwards chicken together with potatoes. Cook for two minutes
5. Put inwards H2O to comprehend chicken together with laid upward until Irish Gaelic patato turns tender.
6. Reduce gravy to desired amount together with seat inwards kokosnoot milk. Season amongst salt.
7. When curry has come upward to a boil, seat inwards basil leaves together with rate it a toss together with dish up. Serve hot amongst rice.

Note: If yous create non ain a nutrient processor similar me, but ain a blender than comes amongst a mill, yous tin create this. To construct a smoother paste, dissever ingredients B into iii parts, except the oil. Mill each role until they all larn mushed up. Put all mushed upward (B) into the blender, together with therefore 1 Tbsp crude oil together with iii tbsp kokosnoot cream, together with therefore puree until fine. This way, your dark-green curry glue volition survive real fine.

Liquidizers or Blenders are non the same materials dorsum inwards xx years ago. I retrieve the offset blender at habitation was therefore sharp, that nosotros tin simply blitz anything, together with they volition plow superfine inwards simply seconds. Even pandan leaves, together with the factory that came amongst it could construct a fine sambal glue or fine garlic glue for my garlic bread. Nowadays, it’s no longer the same story. My therefore called “Microcutter blender” doesn’t fifty-fifty blend every bit fine every bit my regular National blender. Pandan leaves are a chore to it, together with I had to snip them existent fine to salve the motor of difficult work. And I never larn the same smoothen fine chili glue that I could larn amongst my quondam mill. Don’t fifty-fifty beak near milling two cloves of garlic that my quondam 1 could create a fine chore with. They may bring come upward from the same construct (old was National, novel was Panasonic, they were practically the same fellowship renamed). Where is the quondam quality??? Gone amongst the name, I guess.

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