Love To Bake Homemade Egg Tofu

I forgot where I got this from. I read a few blogs nearly this together with I've forgotten where I saw it. I changed approximately steps together with added salt.

Homemade Egg Tofu
375ml egg (from vi large eggs)
1/3 tsp salt
500ml unsweetened thick soy milk (from 1st pressing)
ane tsp corn starch + ane Tbsp H2O

1. Break eggs together with lightly trounce amongst salt. Leave aside. Let the common salt farther intermission downwards the egg whites.
2. Put corn starch together with H2O into a large bowl. Stir.
3. Bring thick soy milk to a boil together with pour over cornstarch mixture. Stir. Let it cool downwards to warm.
4. Prepare your steamer, choose H2O to a boil. If you’re using a wok, identify a steaming rack together with brand certain the H2O is simply below the rack (I brand certain the H2O is simply 5-8mm below the rack)
5. Place a slice of cling roll into your steaming vessel (I used a 8 inch foursquare Pyrex dish, yous tin give the sack purpose regular aluminium or stainless steel pans). For easier handling, moisture the dish earlier putting inward the cling wrap.
6. When soy milk has kicking the bucket warm, combine amongst eggs. Lightly beat.
7. Pour into prepared steaming dish over a strainer/sieve. Discard egg white bits that are left inward strainer.
8. Steam over depression oestrus for xxx minutes. Remember comprehend your steamer or wok amongst lid.

Do non purpose stainless steel pots to steam, specially those five ply pots. It’s much hotter than the wok, together with the egg tofu volition non endure smooth, fifty-fifty it’s on the lowest heat. If possible, produce non purpose stainless steel wok lid too. Aluminium plant the best.

You tin give the sack deep pocket-size fry the tofu too. Actually egg based tofus sense of savor ameliorate this way.

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