Love To Bake How To Leave Of Absence Concentrated Pandan Juice

Pandan... oh how wonderful thy flavour
Oh how wonderful the fragrance.....
We never laid our sugariness soups w/o it, never boil our saccharide syrups w/o it.

Life is but bland w/o it.

Pandan or Screwpine is a mutual colouring in addition to flavouring institute used inwards South Eastern Asia (I'm non certain abt other parts of the world). It's i of the most mutual "herb" that u tin honor inwards our gardens or pots.

During the olden days, earlier the nativity of blenders or liquidizers, these leaves are pounded amongst the mortar in addition to pestle to obtain the precious greenish extract.
Now, what the heck for all the problem in addition to arm work???? Just utilisation the blender!

But earlier that, u convey to snip the leaves equally sparse equally u tin amongst scissors, no knifes, can't create the move similar pair of scissors do. Why snip it? Why can't I but interruption them upwards in addition to throw them in. Yeah, u'll move ur blender blades til they drop. Pandan is rattling fibrous, the long fibres are no tardily work to interruption up, fifty-fifty amongst a micro cutter blender that I have. Wash it earlier u snip it, no take away to dry out it. Discard the torny tip in addition to white bases. The torny tip volition itch ur hands when u mash the juices in addition to the white base of operations is slightly bitter. Use mature leaves(but non quondam leaves) , non shoots equally the shoots tin live on slightly bitter in addition to incorporate less pigment. But create non discard the shoots, u tin even in addition to thus utilisation them to boil sugariness soups, it doesn't sense of savour bitter this way.

 Pandan or Screwpine is a mutual colouring in addition to flavouring institute used inwards South Eastern Asia  Love to Bake How to larn concentrated Pandan Juice

In the painting exhibit I used 1 loving cup of snipped pandan leaves, abt 25gms.
Then u set them into a blender amongst 1 loving cup of water, in addition to whizz away. Put the cap on!!!!!

Pour blitzed pandan over a fine strainer, in addition to SQUEEEEEEEZZZZZZEEE!!

 Pandan or Screwpine is a mutual colouring in addition to flavouring institute used inwards South Eastern Asia  Love to Bake How to larn concentrated Pandan Juice

Repeat the blending procedure in addition to mash again!

Do this until u tin no longer obtain a beautiful greenish colour.

 Pandan or Screwpine is a mutual colouring in addition to flavouring institute used inwards South Eastern Asia  Love to Bake How to larn concentrated Pandan Juice

See the divergence inwards colour??

Let me say u the uses...

1st circular : Good for cakes in addition to anything that needs actually concentrated juice. If making chiffon cakes.. this is it!

sec round: Good for seri muka, jelly or pau/mantou, where the pandan extract is mixed amongst other liquids for use. Ondeh-ondeh/buah melaka volition live on ok using this i too.

tertiary round: Good for cendol, kuih talam where a lot of H2O tin live on used.

To become far really concentrated, similar for my pandan butter cake, larn out the juices(all if u want) inwards the refrigerator for a few days. They won't become bad. And the chlorophyll volition sink...................... to the bottom. Seeeeee!!
 Pandan or Screwpine is a mutual colouring in addition to flavouring institute used inwards South Eastern Asia  Love to Bake How to larn concentrated Pandan Juice

Pour away the upper layer of water, leaving behind moss similar powder... U convey it, concentrated pandan extract.

Well the drinking glass of pandan juice inwards this painting exhibit was left inwards the refrigerator for virtually five days... it took in addition to thus long this time. unremarkably yesteryear iii days it'll sink. So ameliorate create this inwards advance in addition to thus that u'll convey actually greenish pandan.
The upper layer take away non live on thrown away, equally at that topographic point is fragrance there, but mix it amongst other rounds of extracts to brand materials that require to a greater extent than dilute pandan juice.

Keeps good inwards the refrigerator for upwards to ii weeks. Discard when it smells similar rotten leaves.
Do non freeze it. I've tried it, the fragrance is lost in addition to the chlorophyll gets separated from the water.

Updated: 17/12/09 : This fourth dimension I got the concentrated layer inwards but eighteen hours. I used the sunken utilisation to brand Oiless Pandan Chiffon and whatever residual for Pandan Mantous.

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