Love To Bake Lydia's Birthday Parties, Every Minute Always, Ii Parties

I'm certain yous all would desire to know what cake I made for Lydia.
This is it. Pretty???

And here's how it looks similar when cut

Nice?? I certain did a adept job!!!

Hahahaha!!! No, that isn't the cake I made her, but a acquaint from her cousins, Hannah together with Joanna.
I made her ii cakes, so, let's encounter them.

Celebration no.1
First cake on her actual day, 28th.

That nighttime nosotros had a uncomplicated celebration at the family's house. I allow Lydia habiliment a novel dress. She has been eyeing this dress that I've been keeping inwards the drawers for a few months, but I never allow her habiliment for real.

Kids nowadays ever larn novel clothes together with novel clothes don't experience particular anymore. So, forthwith I become far a holler for to entirely allow novel pretty clothes for particular occasions. So, that they experience the hateful solar daytime is extra special.

Well, Lyanne has something similiar too.. can't purchase 1 together with deprive the other

They were together with thus happy inwards that dress, twirling all the time...

Now, it's cake time

I'm certain yous desire to encounter the within of the cake, here's 1 pitiful shot of it

It's a chestnut cream cake. The chocolate matter is chocolate ganache. The breast nut gustation is quite mild, no 1 knew I set inwards chestnuts until I told them. I got the filling's recipe from here.

Celebration no.2

H5N1 carousel cake :)
three days later, some other political party at my mom's. And stupid me forgot to set inwards CF carte into the camera!!!!!! So together with thus stupid!!!! So, my blood brother took the pics for me instead.

Want to encounter if the carousel tin give the sack turn????
Click on the video

When the cake survived the turning, I knew, I actually got it done!!!
I didn't examination it at home.

Before the candles nosotros lit, she was together with thus happy together with wanted to become almost the cake together with behaviour on it together with plow it. But when the candles were lit, she was terrified, together with clung only about me spell the vocal was sang.

With Hannah together with Joanna, daughters of my eldest brother.
Three of them are really only about each other.
Hannah together with Joanna were together with thus thoughtful that they bought her presents that they mean value Lydia volition love,
H5N1 toy photographic idiot box camera together with a "cake", the 1 yous saw agency upward there.
Lydia loved the cake together with thus much, she hugged the cake all the agency dorsum to KK.

The bottom layer was chestnut cream again, but I improvised, together with used equal amounts of chestnut together with cream inwards weight. This time, the cream was good. Everybody said it was good, including the girls.

The grade layer was peach filled, canned peaches. The kids won't swallow it. They prefer the chestnut.

Just inwards illustration yous require to know where to larn roasted chestnuts together with their price, here's some samples together with the size of their nuts.
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