Love To Bake Mushroom Pulav

Pilaf, Pulav, Polau , or Pulao. They are all the same.

Pulav is Hindi, Pulao is Tamil as well as Nepali, Polau is Bengali as well as Pilaf is what almost the residuum of the world calls it.

H5N1 uncomplicated Indian vegetarian dish. You tin consume this on its ain or amongst meat as well as vegetables, simply my kids notice this to endure yummy plenty to endure on its own. The mushrooms are actually flavourful as well as amongst all the spices, yum yum.
Mike asked me to laid upwardly this adjacent fourth dimension to become amongst curry or around spicy meat dishes. He finds it rattling delicious.

Try this if you lot dearest basmathi rice as well as mushrooms. I dearest mushrooms which was the argue I was attracted to this recipe. And sprinkle lots of apartment leafage parsley to become amongst this, absolutely lovely!!!

Recipe adapted from Vazhayila

1 cup(250ml) basmathi rice, washed as well as drained
½ ruby onion, peeled as well as sliced
1 clove garlic, peeled as well as finely chopped
H5N1 modest knob of ginger, most one-half a thumb, smashed
200gm fresh mushrooms (this is i punnet, as well as I used Swiss Browns), sliced most 5mm thickness
½ tsp meat curry powder
1 modest cinnamon stick (Mike tin accept cinnamon amongst savoury dishes, simply non sweetness food)
two cardamoms
two cloves
1 Tbsp butter
½ tsp salt
two cups water

1. Heat pan on medium estrus as well as pose inwards butter, garlic, and onions. Fry until onions plough soft.
2. Put inwards ginger, cinnamon stick, cardamoms as well as cloves as well as fry until aromatic.
3. Put inwards sliced mushrooms as well as laid upwardly until it wilts as well as softens.
4. Put inwards curry pulverization as well as salt. Mix.
5. Put inwards rice as well as fry for a while, for most xxx seconds.
6. Transfer everything to your rice cooker, add together inwards H2O as well as cook.

*I steamed my rice for xxx minutes.

See those reddish materials I pose beside my rice?? I’ll postal service that recipe afterward this.

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