Love To Bake My Birthday Present

My birthday was to a greater extent than than a calendar month ago.. a combat lagging inwards posting, every bit always.
This year, I finally received the thing I've been hinting for...

H5N1 signal as well as shoot camera!!! Sony TX5, perfect for outings amongst my kids.

Haha, telephone phone me crazy, yeah I am.
Since I'm a noob inwards photography, as well as I alone purpose my hubby's DSLR every bit a signal as well as shoot, I mightiness only every bit good larn a signal as well as shoot, 1 that I telephone phone every bit my own. But I don't desire to purchase it, I desire someone to purchase it for me. Haha. And he finally did, after this model came out. Fits our criteria perfectly. He bought this two weeks earlier my birthday, on the solar daytime I was coming together Swee San as well as Pei-Lin at The Curve.

But somehow on the solar daytime itself, he gave me around other surprise.
He got me a digital scale. Haha!! I was totally ecstatic.
This scale alone costs him RM54, but the photographic television receiver camera terms him to a greater extent than than 1k.
Why the joy????

Maybe I'm a elementary person. The joy of recieving gifts has no relation to how much it costs, but how much important it brings.

My starting fourth dimension digital scale that my wife bought me over thru this seller was a truthful bad buy.
When it arrived, We opened it upward for testing as well as it worked fine. I was nevertheless lazy to larn it on my counter as well as thus I kept it inwards the box until three weeks later. It won't function yesteryear then!!! I was shocked, a novel scale???

So Mike checked the battery's ability using 1 of his gadgets as well as constitute that the battery was dead, thus he took around other lithium battery as well as fitted it in. The scale worked! So nosotros estimate the battery that was sent together amongst the scale mightiness last an onetime as well as used one.

Less than three weeks later.... the scale gave me depression batt warning. Another two days it went flat.
So, right away nosotros know, the ability inwards the scale goes on, no thing whether it is inwards purpose or not.
I can't last changing lithium batteries every three weeks.... thus I pose it aside, as well as took out my confine scale 1 time to a greater extent than on my counter. Then I checked amongst around others that I knew that are using digital scales as well as constitute that they rarely modify batteries, mayhap 1 time inwards six months, and one of of them uses it to weigh his buns dough slice yesteryear piece for a few hours daily.

That was 2 days earlier my brithday.

On the nighttime earlier my birthday, he told me.. he had ordered around other scale for me, as well as it's arriving tomorrow on my birthday. The joy that filled me was super!!! This is the starting fourth dimension birthday acquaint from him, that is bought according to my needs, without me giving him whatever hints. So far he has alone bought me two birthday gifts earlier this scale, 1 on our starting fourth dimension twelvemonth of courtship, as well as around other on a bithday when he was on concern trip to Ghana. The photographic television receiver camera is a long called for thing from him, he is only using the birthday every bit a appointment to purchase for me. thus I don't reckon that every bit a existent birthday gift. And I never idea that he volition larn me around other scale this soon!! He is non a romantic guy that volition shower me amongst roses or teddy bears, nor stimulate got me on a romantic dinner. Well, I don't fancy these too. But when a man, takes pump into a woman's existent needs as well as gives her a surprise, that's when the gift becomes actually special. Well, at to the lowest degree to me.

My wife said, this 1 comes amongst adapter, so, if the battery fails, yous nevertheless stimulate got this.
So, when all things fail, I nevertheless stimulate got my wife amongst me ........

Happy Birthday Mike (tomorrow)
And may God bless our wedlock until our real in conclusion breath.

Psst.. It's our fifth twelvemonth anniversary today
Buat lebih berguna, kongsi: