Love To Bake Salted Fish Fried Rice

Do you lot similar salted fish? Fried or steamed? I honey them inwards fried rice. Simply yummy.
And a vegetarian store inwards my hometown, Kampar makes this fried rice amongst lots of edible bean sprouts, simply similar the agency i would youngster salted fish with.
Try this if you lot are a "bean sprouts amongst salted fish" lover, but fifty-fifty if you lot are not, exercise endeavor this if you lot a re a fried rice lover.

two rice bowls(packed) of cooled, cooked rice
40gm salted fish flesh, finely chopped (I used kurau/tanau/threadfin)
200gm beansprouts, close two cups
two large eggs, cracked into a bowl
1 clove garlic
Pepper for seasoning
two sprigs of confine onion, finely sliced
iv tbsp oil

Heat wok until rattling hot, position inwards oil. Put inwards salted fish together with stir for two seconds together with position inwards chopped garlic. Fry until both are golden together with fragrant. Push aside together with position eggs into wok together with scramble immediately. When eggs are cooked, furnish salted fish from the sides to the middle together with position inwards rice.
Toss until rice is hot together with fragrant. Season amongst pepper. Put inwards edible bean sprouts, toss for approximately other fifteen seconds, position inwards confine onion together with toss for approximately other v seconds.
Dish upward together with serve.

*To add together or non to add together tabular array salt is upward to personal preference together with depends on the saltiness of the fish.

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