Love To Bake Stir Fried Aubergine Alongside Minced Meat

Another aubergine dish past times the gundu katrika :)

My begetter inward police don't swallow greens, in addition to he eats aubergine in addition to edible bean sprouts. And they don't await green.
When MIL is hither inward Malaysia, sometimes I gear upwardly for the whole family, in addition to that includes my inward laws in addition to bro inward law. So, I stimulate got to produce something that my FIL volition eat. 

Stir Fried Aubergine amongst Minced Meat
500gm aubergine, cutting into two inch lengths, divided half dozen or 8 matchsticks
1/3 loving cup minced meat (chicken or pork)
2 shallots, finely chopped
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
1 bird’s optic chili, finely chopped
2 Tbsp low-cal soy sauce
½ tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
Dash of pepper
Oil for deep frying

1. Wash aubergine, air dry. Cut into sticks.
2. Deep nipper on high rut until slightly golden. Drain on newspaper towels.
3. Put two Tbsp petroleum inward wok, sauté shallots in addition to garlic until fragrant simply non golden. Put inward chili.
4. Put inward minced meat in addition to stir nipper until meat is lightly browned in addition to is dry.
5. Put fried aubergines dorsum into wok in addition to hand it a skillful toss.
6. Season amongst low-cal soy, common salt in addition to sugar. Give it a few skillful tosses in addition to dish up


When u desire dish up, force the aubergines to the side of the wok earlier u accept them out. Let them remain at that spot for a while. U volition run across excess petroleum inward base of operations of wok, Do non dish upwardly the extra oil. But if u did non start amongst plenty petroleum inward the beginning, u volition non stimulate got a fragrant dish.

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