Love To Bake Stir Fried Hot Too Sour Lotus Origin 酸辣炒莲藕

My cousin Grace, brought this dorsum from Seremban many many years ago. She told me a church building fellow member cooked this for her. One seize amongst teeth into it in addition to I was shocked!! It’s sour!! I knew it could be spicy because I could run into the dried chillies, merely I didn't anticipate the sourness.

It’s nice. It’s addictive, the crunchiness of the lotus root, the spiciness of the chilli, the sourness of the vinegar, the odour of the apartment leafage parsley…It’s a myriad of senses.

Maybe u tin post away elbow grease this for Chinese New Year's Day reunion dinner, for a refreshing change. I promise that u abide by this dish equally yummy equally I abide by it is.

100gm local lotus source (cleaned weight, therefore u improve purchase to a greater extent than than 100gm, China's lotus roots may non last equally crunchy equally the local type, in addition to they could last to a greater extent than starchy too.)
two Tbsp rice vinegar
½ loving cup chicken thorax sparse slices (marinate amongst 1/3 tsp tabular array salt in addition to about pepper)
v dried chillies (seeds removed, cutting into iii pcs each, rinsed, )
i loving cup apartment leafage parsley(Daun sup, cutting into two inch lengths)
i clove garlic (finely chopped)
1/3 tsp salt
2/3 tsp cornstarch + 1/3 loving cup water
two Tbsp oil

1. Slice lotus source thinly in addition to marinate amongst vinegar for two hours. Tossing the roots slices every instantly in addition to and therefore to brand certain the vinegar is good distributed.
2. Heat wok in addition to set inwards oil. Put inwards garlic in addition to child until fragrant merely non golden. Put inwards dried chilli in addition to child until fragrant (the oestrus of the chilli mightiness come upward up to ur eyes), set inwards chicken slices in addition to stir child until one-half cooked.
3. Put inwards marinated lotus source in addition to the residue of liquid into wok in addition to toss for most 20-30 seconds. Put inwards tabular array salt in addition to cornstarch solution. When gravy has come upward to a boil in addition to thickened, set inwards parsley. Toss until parsley wilts, dish upward in addition to serve.
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