Love To Bake Strawberry Mirror Cake 2

this sometime ago... dorsum when I made the strawberry icecream.
This is for my as well as therefore called "catalog". I'm taking orders for cakes inwards Kuala Kangsar.
Not to tell I'll earn lots from it, but simply some steal coin right away that I'm a total fourth dimension housewife.

Some bring told me to quit my job(Well, I'm withal employed amongst the government, simply on iii yrs leave) as well as firm total fourth dimension into this. I brush this off totally, cos amongst the amount of fourth dimension spent to decorate cakes, as well as amongst the amount of coin that I earn from it, it's improve to stick to my Metal Rice Bowl(FYI:It's a straight Cantonese translation that means, a chore that volition forever feed u, but won't brand u rich)

I'm solely baking per order, rather than having a bakery amongst baked materials waiting to live on sold. Plus, I'm actually non upwardly to par to ain a bakery. It's simply that where I stay, there's no bakery that offers cakes that are non regular (regular cakes means, cakes made from sponge mixes smothered amongst either "shortening/margarine" icing or Non dairy cream) I won't tell that I'm actually good, simply that I offering something different.

Currently my best sellers are my egg tarts as well as my butter cakes. I don't actually enquire or as well as therefore for orders, I'm simply taking orders from my neighbours of whom, my hubby is quest "Aren't they afraid of diabetes or middle attack?", cos it's weekly, sometimes, twice inwards a week. These neighbours are inwards search of proper cakes that they tin live on residual assured that I solely role expert ingredients, as well as of course, they cme amongst expert taste, peculiarly my eggtarts, that they claim them to live on the best they bring e'er tasted. Well, it's simply that I role existent butter for the egg tarts as well as non margarine, as well as they are flaky, non soggy. I create non claim to bake the best egg tarts inwards town, but it's simply the feedback that I larn from my loyal customers


m taking orders for cakes inwards Kuala Kangsar Love to Bake Strawberry Mirror Cake 2

m taking orders for cakes inwards Kuala Kangsar Love to Bake Strawberry Mirror Cake 2
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