Love To Bake Tomato Plant As Well As Egg Soup 番茄蛋汤

Lydia loves this soup.
Simple, easy, done inward simply five minutes!!

ii large tomatoes, cutting into chunks.
ii large eggs
1L water
ii Tbsp cooking oil
Salt to taste
Good dash of pepper
Handful of Chopped jump onions

Heat wok/pot as well as lay inward oil. Put inward tomatoes. Stir tyke until slightly soft as well as lay inward eggs. Scramble as well as allow the eggs arrive at until fragrant.
Put inward H2O as well as choose to a boil. Let it simmer for 1 minute, flavor alongside tabular array salt as well as pepper. Put chopped jump onions into serving bowls as well as ladle soup onto the jump onions. Serve hot alongside rice :)

The scum on the soup is caused yesteryear the eggs. Don't worry nearly its looks :)

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