Love To Bake Upside Downwards Pineapple Cake 1

I abhor making caramel. I remembered, during my teens, I tried making crème caramel, together with oh, how bitter was the caramel.

This time, I did it amongst three attempts. And I’d say, I’m non all that satisfied amongst it.

I used demerara sugar, that has larger granules than regular sugar.

1st attempt: Didn’t grind the sugar, hence it took a long fourth dimension for the carbohydrate to melt. And when it finally did, the caramel was burnt. I didn’t realize that until I filled my baking pans amongst it, together with tasted it later. Urgh!!! Bitter!!! I waited for the caramel to harden, that didn’t accept long. Cracked it together with discarded them.

2nd attempt: Grind the sugar. But I cooked the caramel slightly also long together with it burnt. The rootage two pans didn’t sense of savour burnt, but as the caramel remained inwards the pan(on overstep of stove, oestrus off) as I filled the others, it burnt. I threw away all the caramel again.

3rd attempt: I actually tried to live careful. And I removed it away from the stove when the carbohydrate has melted together with there’s a piffling flake of visible liquid butter. I continued to stir until the butter is no longer visible. The rootage vi pans were ok, lastly two were a flake burnt. Well… Caramel never likes me.

I baked this inwards viii 3inch pans.

8 slices of canned pineapple
4 glace cherries, halved
35gm butter
100gm dark-brown sugar
115gm butter
150gm sugar
two eggs
125ml milk
1 tsp cream of tartar
1 tsp vanilla extract
200gm cake flour sifted amongst 1/2 tsp sodium bicarbonate

1. Melt butter over depression oestrus together with seat inwards dark-brown carbohydrate together with create on medium oestrus until carbohydrate is dissolved together with mixture is bubbly.
2. Pour into pans together with spread it around. Lay i spell of pineapple into each pan together with seat a halved cherry into the nitty-gritty expanse of the pineapple.
3. Put cream of tartar into milk together with stir. (You tin post away skip this pace if u substitute both ingredients amongst but patently yogurt)
4. Preheat oven at 160/180C.
5. Cream butter together with carbohydrate until calorie-free together with fluffy. Put inwards eggs, i yesteryear one, beating good after each addition. Mix inwards vanilla extract.
6. Mix inwards flour inwards two batches, alternating amongst milk mixture. Mix until flour is moistened. Do non overmix.
7. Divide batter as into prepared pans.
8. Bake for 30-35mins.
9. Invert onto plate similar a shot upon removal from oven, if non the caramel volition hardened together with stick to the pan when left to cool down, fifty-fifty for v minutes.

I volition create this again. The cake was actually good. Soft together with fluffy. The adjacent fourth dimension volition live amongst fresh pineapple, canned ones create non get got much fragrance. And I volition non create the caramel again. I bespeak to honor a alternate means to dark-brown the caramel...

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