Love To Bake Candied Kokosnoot - Gula Melaka 椰糖椰干

 the canteen homo sold candied kokosnoot for  Love to Bake Candied Coconut - gula melaka 椰糖椰干

When I was inwards primary school, the canteen homo sold candied kokosnoot for 10sen a small-scale pack.

Many years, I never came across this again.

Then, when I was inwards uni, I saw it inwards Petaling Street, wow , it’s turned into something pricey. Still bought it, cos I similar it.

ii months subsequently my immature lady was born, I saw this over again inwards SS2 pasar malam. And they don’t alone convey the regular white candied coconut, they fifty-fifty convey a gula melaka version, which is palm sugar. This stall also sells candied ginger, lotus roots, too H2O chestnut.
And they are going for RM3.50 for small-scale pack of 150gm. RM10 for three packs, but RM13.50 for four packs, weird agency of marketing huh?? I bought three packs.

I saw inwards pwmf’s site on how to brand candied coconut. But didn’t mean value that I’d brand my ain 1 day, cos it seemed likewise troublesome to take away the kokosnoot flesh from the difficult shell. Then I saw inwards Kuala Kangsar moisture market’s kokosnoot milk stall, there’s kokosnoot flesh for sale. Yahooo!!! Bought 1 kg of it. I wishing to come inwards the nighttime itself, substituting the white saccharide that pwmf uses amongst gula melaka, adding inwards around pandan leaves for extra aroma. I was worried close the pot burning, but luckily it didn’t. Pwmf uses medium high rut until H2O evaporates, but I used depression lavatory all the while… Scared ma!!!

Candied Coconut Recipe

1kg kokosnoot flesh (without shell)
500 gm gula melaka (pounded or chopped)
Few blades of pandan leaves, shredded.

Trim kokosnoot flesh to take away all chocolate-brown skins, launder too piece into desired thickness,
Mix kokosnoot flesh amongst pounded gula melaka, too allow it bleed for a while.
Put everything into a heavy bottomed pot too laid until a sparse layer of saccharide pulverization coats the coconut.
Place kokosnoot shreds onto a apartment tray too allow it cool downward earlier putting it into an air tight container.

By using depression rut all the time, it took me 1.5 hours, pot uncovered.

I discovery the total of saccharide a flake likewise much, every bit in that place were a lot of saccharide dust on the bottom of the pot, so, the adjacent fourth dimension I’ll brand this, I’ll merely piece of job 330gm. I used upward the remaining saccharide inwards the pot past times making egg driblet agar-agar.

 the canteen homo sold candied kokosnoot for  Love to Bake Candied Coconut - gula melaka 椰糖椰干

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