Love To Bake Chinese Chives Soup 韭菜汤

 in addition to many people refrain from eating this afterwards having measles or chicken pox because Love to Bake Chinese Chives Soup 韭菜汤

Chinese Chives (gow choy) sounds the same equally nine veg.. in addition to many people refrain from eating this afterwards having measles or chicken pox because, they believe they’ll teach nine times of that affliction if they swallow this nine veg.

When I was a kid, I hated Chinese Chives… the odor was urgh!!!!!

Then grandaunt made this soup.. that was when it changed my sentiment almost this fellow member of the onion family. It became my side yesteryear side favourite veg.

From a smelly greenish thingy.. it became the sweetest veg to my tastebuds…

A rattling slow soup to make

Chinese Chives Soup
½ loving cup dried anchovies, launder in addition to drained
1 Tbsp oil
1L water
Salt to taste

10 fishballs
100gm Chinese chives cutting into 3cm lengths)
1 egg , beaten

Heat a pot in addition to position inwards oil. Stir fry anchovies until fragrant in addition to pour inwards water. Let boil in addition to simmer for xv minutes. Remove anchovies in addition to flavor alongside salt.

Put inwards fish balls in addition to await for them to float.
Put inwards Chinese chives in addition to await for soup to boil.
Drizzle inwards beaten egg piece stirring continuously alongside a ladle.
Turn off the oestrus in addition to serve.

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