Love To Bake Homemade Strawberry Jelly 自制草莓果冻

Kenny bought us 2kgs of strawberries, together with then this is the rootage affair that came out of it.

My nieces had a swell fourth dimension helping out to brand their favourite dessert. I gave them tabular array knives (can't cutting themselves) together with apartment dinner plates to create their fleck of masak-masak.

 also getting to a greater extent than or less for my nieces every bit good Love to Bake Homemade Strawberry Jelly 自制草莓果冻

 also getting to a greater extent than or less for my nieces every bit good Love to Bake Homemade Strawberry Jelly 自制草莓果冻

Homemade Strawberry Jelly Recipe
2 cups of Strawberries (cut into smaller chunks)
2 cups water
3/4 loving cup sugar
2 Tbsp lemon juice
2 Tbsp gelatine

Put strawberry chunks, carbohydrate together with H2O into a saucepan. Bring to a boil. Use a fork to lightly crush the fruits every bit it comes to a boil.
When it has boiled, permit it simmer for a infinitesimal until fruits are really soft.
Take it off the burn together with strain the juice.
Sprinkle gelatine into hot juice together with stir to dissolve.
When gelatine has dissolved, pose inwards lemon juice.
Let jelly mixture cool downward a fleck together with pour into jelly moulds or cups.
(I cool it downward together with then that my niece tin create it)
 also getting to a greater extent than or less for my nieces every bit good Love to Bake Homemade Strawberry Jelly 自制草莓果冻
into taller cups, to larn alongside H2O ice cream later, shorter cups, to consume it on it's own

 also getting to a greater extent than or less for my nieces every bit good Love to Bake Homemade Strawberry Jelly 自制草莓果冻

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