Love To Bake Pinkish Dragon Fruit Jelly (火龙果冻)

 my pupil Ng Kher Chee brought this amazingly pretty jelly Love to Bake Pink Dragon Fruit Jelly (火龙果冻)

During final year's cast party, my pupil Ng Kher Chee brought this amazingly pretty jelly... It was dyed brilliant pinkish similar magenta, dotted alongside some dark seeds. She told me, it was made alongside the cherry-red dragon fruit.

I telephone outcry upwards this pinkish dragon fruit jelly, because it looks to a greater extent than pinkish than red.... wonderful colour.

I similar eating the fruit raw, making it stain my lips alongside a pretty tint. vain..
 my pupil Ng Kher Chee brought this amazingly pretty jelly Love to Bake Pink Dragon Fruit Jelly (火龙果冻)
the cherry-red dragon fruit..

Pink Dragon Fruit Jelly Recipe

1.5L Water
200-250gm sugar
15 gm agar-agar powder
1 medium sized cherry-red dragon fruit (about 1 cup)

1. Bring the H2O to a boil.
2. Mix the carbohydrate too agar pulverization together too pour into the boiling water. Let it simmer for five minutes.
3. While simmering, squelch the cherry-red dragon fruit alongside a fork until it becomes a puree. Don't role a blender every bit nosotros desire the seeds to hold upwards visible inward the jelly.
4. Turn off the burn too pour inward the dragon fruit puree.
5. Stir too pour into prepared mould.
6. Wait for it to cool downwards too and then chill inward the fridge.

Actually this fruit isn't much aromatic nor does it convey a distinct taste..but nontheless, it's the color that is actually pretty.
I intend I may create this jelly again, alongside some modifications on the flavour.

I don't know why the photographic idiot box camera cannot capture the existent color that I saw alongside my ain eyes, it's to a greater extent than reddish rather than pink... a chip dissapointed..

 my pupil Ng Kher Chee brought this amazingly pretty jelly Love to Bake Pink Dragon Fruit Jelly (火龙果冻)

The seeds of the dragon fruit tends to settle downwards on the bottom. I cutting the jelly bottom side upwards to larn a overnice outlay of seeds.
 my pupil Ng Kher Chee brought this amazingly pretty jelly Love to Bake Pink Dragon Fruit Jelly (火龙果冻)

 my pupil Ng Kher Chee brought this amazingly pretty jelly Love to Bake Pink Dragon Fruit Jelly (火龙果冻)
The picture's reddish, I don't know why..but the seeds create expect pretty ..

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