Love To Bake Ufo Bun 飞碟面包

Whenever I brand breads from any overseas site Love to Bake UFO Bun 飞碟面包

Whenever I brand breads from any overseas site Love to Bake UFO Bun 飞碟面包

Whenever I brand breads from any overseas site, I ever bring to trim the H2O content yesteryear 10-15%. If non the dough volition non live on pliable… really glutinous as well as can’t live on formed. Maybe it’s due to the type of staff of life flour or the humidity inwards Malaysia.. I dunno..but reducing the H2O a lilliputian chip certain brand things better

The site shows that this bun has filling… but I can’t look to abide by out what it is. So, I omitted it. Hub said, the topping itself is tasty enough, no involve to add together inwards filling. He likes it.. he likes it.. kekekeke

Bun (A)
160 gm staff of life flour
40 gm depression poly peptide flour
1 tsp yeast
½ tsp salt
1 Tbsp milk powder
40gm sugar
30gm egg
90gm H2O (I used 80gm only, add together inwards yesteryear the teaspoon if u tin dismiss yet grip it)
30gm butter

Topping: (B)
50gm egg
40gm sugar
1 driblet vanilla essence
30gm depression poly peptide flour
¼ tsp baking powder
10gm terra firma almond
45gm melted butter

1. Mix everything inwards (A) together except butter. Knead until dough is smoothen as well as stretchy. (took me one-half lx minutes yesteryear hand, I don't bring a staff of life machine). Knead inwards butter until good incorporated.
2. Cover as well as larn out to proof until double inwards size.
3. Punch downward dough as well as split upwards into vi portions. Roll each component into a ball as well as house on a slice of baking paper, most five inch diameter.
4. Let proof until double again.
5. For topping, melt butter as well as mix alongside terra firma almonds.
6. Beat eggs alongside saccharide until saccharide dissolves. Add inwards vanilla essence.
7. Sift flour alongside baking powder.
8. Combine (5), (6) as well as (7).
9. Chill until consistency turns thick.
10. When dough balls bring doubled, piping topping starting from the middle of dough, inwards spiral blueprint until it almost covers the summit of bun. When baked, the topping batter volition subsequently melt downward the sides.
11. Bake inwards 200C preheated oven for xv minutes.

(From what u tin dismiss encounter of my buns, they are a chip burnt, I did 200C for vii minutes, as well as they browned, hence I chop-chop turned downward to 170C for approximately other 10 minutes, but yet.. **sigh** yet brown, really brown. The side yesteryear side fourth dimension around, I’ll become 180C for 15-20 minutes, it depends on your oven)

Whenever I brand breads from any overseas site Love to Bake UFO Bun 飞碟面包

Source: recipe/recipe.htm">
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