Flaxseed Crackers - Run Into The “Flackers”

I unremarkably travail novel recipes, or techniques because they audio delicious, or unusual, but i time inwards a spell I’ll travail something only because it sounds impossible, together with that was the illustration alongside these flaxseed crackers. 

I heard that if yous mix flaxseeds alongside an equal amount of water, allow it hydrate, spread it thin, together with bake it inwards a depression oven, you’ll teach light, crispy, together with surprisingly tasty crackers. I heard right.

I to a greater extent than ofttimes than non similar to piece of job out eating seeds to the birds, but these own got a really mild nutty/earthy flavor, together with spell quite light, they’re notwithstanding written report plenty to role alongside your favorite dips together with spreads. Above together with beyond the taste, I notice that these starting fourth dimension to lose their crispiness later virtually a day, thus if yous brand them ahead of time, I’d re-crisp them inwards the oven i time to a greater extent than for perhaps thirty minutes to dry out them dorsum out.

Also, delight experience costless to flavour these to a greater extent than creatively than I did. Although a evidently cracker is perfect for pairing alongside a piece of cheese, I can’t assistance but mean value in that place are thus many other ways these could’ve been spiced-up. Regardless of what yous add together to yours, I actually promise yous plough over them a travail soon. Enjoy!

PLEASE NOTE: I've been told that whole flax seeds are non fully digestible, together with to teach the wellness benefits yous should role flaxseed meal, but other sources are telling me that the soaking, together with chewing takes attention of that, maybe. Probably non a big bargain unless you're going to swallow a whole batch, but consider yourself warned if yous are sensitive to high-fiber foods!
Ingredients for 32 Flaxseed Crackers:
1 loving cup raw flax seeds
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon onion powder
pinch of cayenne
1 loving cup mutual frigidity water

- Soak overnight, together with thus bake at 200 F. for three hours, or until crispy.
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