Sea Bass San Sebastian – Haven’T Been There, Done That

You usage non accept to become to a place, to live on inspired yesteryear their food. In fact, it’s a lot cheaper, in addition to easier if you lot don’t. So, every bit I stated inwards the into, this Chilean body of body of water bass San Sebastian is the effect of a picayune culinary hear game I play, where I crusade to invent a recipe that I intend could/would live on served there, in addition to this is 1 of those dishes.

I beloved the technique of spreading a flavored mayo, or aioli over a piece of fish, earlier roasting it inwards a real hot oven. Not solely does it proceed the seafood moist, nosotros don’t accept to worry well-nigh making a sauce when it’s done. Another payoff is that yesteryear only changing the seasoning of the sauce, nosotros tin move usage countless variations.

This volition run amongst whatever piece of fish you lot tin move cutting into a thick chunk, but Chilean body of body of water bass is my favorite choice. By the way, that’s exactly the refer it’s unremarkably sold by. Its existent refer is the much less marketable “Patagonian toothfish.” Mmm….toothfish. Due to yesteryear overfishing, much of it illegal, Chilean body of body of water bass has landed on lots of “do non swallow this” lists, but in that location are sustainable sources available.

I got mine from, which is certified yesteryear the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), in addition to the character was exceed notch. This is non a sponsored post, but inwards the spirit of sum disclose, the fish seen herein was a loose sample sent to me yesteryear my friend Kevin, who runs the operation. Regardless, this was 1 of the best fish dishes I’ve had inwards a while, in addition to I actually promise you lot give it a crusade soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 2 servings:
1 pound Chilean body of body of water bass filet, cutting into 2 portions
kosher tabular array salt to generously flavour fish
For the sauce/crust:
3 tablespoons mayonnaise
2 teaspoons sherry vinegar
1 teaspoon smoked paprika
1 teaspoon kosher salt
2 garlic cloves, crushed fine
cayenne to taste
whole roasted Marcona almonds for grating, or whatever other whole almond
2 teaspoons olive stone oil
1 hot or sweetness cerise or light-green pepper, sliced
handful halved Sun aureate cherry tomatoes
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