Learn As Well As Sentry Cracking Tips On How To Effectively Search Gmail As Well As Google Drive

April 28, 2015
In this wonderful video Google engineers Liu as well as Merrified portion around interesting tips as well as insights on how to effectively search your Gmail as well as  Drive.The piece of job is to enable yous to tap into around hidden gems that volition permit yous to search for what yous involve inwards Gmail or Drive rapidly as well as accurately.

All of the search tips Liu as well as Merrified talked virtually inwards this tutorial include search as well as Boolean operators. This document from Gmail Help features around of the most useful operators to usage when conducting internal searches inwards your Gmail. You should definitely bookmark as well as continue it for reference.

Some of the tips nosotros peculiarly similar include:

1- has:attachment
This allows yous to search for emails amongst an attachment example: Example: from:david has:attachment
Meaning: Messages from David that bring an attachment.

2- After:/ Before:/ older:/ newer:
You tin laissez passer on the sack usage these words to filter your search to include alone messages that were sent or received during a detail catamenia of time.
 Example: after:2004/04/16 before:2004/04/18
Meaning: Messages sent betwixt Apr 16, 2004 as well as Apr 18, 2004.*

3- Use of Boolean operator OR
“ For example, to await for messages from username@gmail.com as well as messages that comprise the champaign of written report business 'Meeting reminder', yous tin laissez passer on the sack hold upward into 'username@gmail.com OR coming together reminder' inwards your Gmail search box.”

Watch the video below to acquire to a greater extent than virtually how to effectively search your Gmail as well as Drive. Enjoy

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