Learn In Addition To Lookout Adult Man Awesome Nautical Chart Comparison Traditional Versus 21St Century Learning

February 4, 2015
In his classic mass “Education as well as Experience” John Dewey talks close the dichotomy betwixt traditional as well as progressive forms of instruction maxim that such a dichotomy polarizes discussions only about educational matters. Dewey, instead,  argued for an experience-based model that builds on the drawbacks as well as strengths of both models to shape a holistic conceptualization of what a student-centred instruction should hold upwards like. Today, equally I stumbled upon this beautiful nautical chart on Mindhsift’s Facebook page I could non attention but connect it to Dewey’s intelligence of experiential as well as progressive learning. What inwards the nautical chart is labelled 21st century learner is inwards fact the sort of learner Dewey theorized inwards his function to a greater extent than than one-half  a century ago. Therefore, the ethos are non novel but the circumstances are different.

In my view, dichotomizing traditional as well as 21st century learning does non necessarily favour the latter over the before though 21st century model of learning is what is expected inwards our classes but to a greater extent than importantly it raises educators critical awareness of the affordances as well as of inconveniences of each model  in the promise of constructing a robust model that meets the learning needs of private students.

This nautical chart is created past times Like to Write  which has 2 interesting resources: liketowrite.com as well as liketoread.com .

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