Learn In Addition To Sentry But About Really Expert Resources For Math Teachers From Ck-12

July 13, 2015
Here are to a greater extent than or less valuable resources for Math teachers too students. These resources are provided past times CK-12 and are arranged into 10 primary categories. Click on each category below to access the corresponding materials it has to offer.

1- Elementary Math
2- Arithmetic
3- Measurement
4- Algebra
5- Geometry
6- Probability
7- Statistics
8- Trigonometry
9- Analysis
10- Calculus

For those of yous non however familiar amongst CK-12. This is a platform that provides high lineament curated STEM content for teachers too students. Its library has over 5000 math too scientific discipline materials ideal to role inwards class. Flexbook is 1 of the best features I similar inwards CK-12. Its integrated Flexbook provides a broad diversity of gratis textbooks for teachers to role inwards their lessons. It fifty-fifty allows teachers to utilisation their ain Flexbooks using materials from other textbooks inwards the site. Textbooks are available inwards multiple formats including: PDF format, Kindle too Nook too iPad.

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