Learn In Addition To Sentry A Dandy Novel Tool To Help Y'all Integrate Technology Scientific Discipline Inward Your Lesson Plans

August 26, 2015
Lesson Flows is a novel service provided past times Common Sense Graphite to enable teachers to effectively integrate technology inwards their lesson plans. The premise behind Lesson Flows is to aid teachers combine inspiring pedagogy practices amongst cracking digital tools. For each role of the lesson computer program you lot volition last able to curate together with add together spider web tools that tin best run into its objectives.

To ameliorate sympathise how to align technology amongst the dissimilar parts of your lesson plan, hither is an fantabulous example of a Lesson Flow created past times digital learning specialist Rachelle W. In this lesson plan, Rachelle assigns a spider web tool for each of the 5 department of her lesson computer program together amongst providing the rationale behind the exercise of each of these tools.  This is indeed a cracking event of how a tech-rich lesson computer program should last designed.

Watch the video below to larn to a greater extent than most Lesson Flows

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