Learn In Addition To Sentry Eight First-Class Blended Learning Tools For Teachers

September  25, 2015
In its basic in addition to simplest definition, blended learning is an instructional methodology, a teaching in addition to learning approach that combines face-to-face classroom methods amongst figurer mediated activities to deliver instruction. The strengths of this instructional approach is its combination of both facial expression upwards to facial expression upwards in addition to online teaching methods into i integrated instructional approach. In today's post, nosotros are sharing amongst you lot a gear upwards of some useful spider web tools you lot tin flaming purpose for blended learning:

1- Blubbr

Blubbr is a cool spider web tool that allows users to practise quizzes approximately YouTube videos. These are basically interactive video quizzes ( called Trivs ) that you lot tin flaming practise for your students in addition to which they tin flaming reply spell they sentinel the selected video clip. The quizzes are also feedback supported pregnant students volition acquire feedback every bit they reply each question.

2- Teachem

Teachem is a spider web service that allows teachers to practise lessons approximately YouTube videos. They tin flaming also interact amongst videos through adding comments, questions in addition to notes inwards the shape of flashcards that tin flaming hold upwards pinned to videos.

3- Educanon

Educanon is some other powerful tool that teachers tin flaming purpose to blueprint lessons based on videos from both YouTube in addition to Vimeo. And similar Teachem, teachers tin flaming generate questions on the content of videos in addition to percentage it together amongst videos inwards a unmarried lesson.

4- VideoNotes
VideoNotes is a gratuitous spider web tool that allows students to accept notes on a video they are watching. The notes are synchronized amongst the video beingness watched. The skillful matter virtually VideoNotes is that it is integrated into Google Drive which way that students volition hold upwards able to salve their notes straight to their Drive trouble organization human relationship in addition to access, edit, in addition to operate on them anytime they want. All the notes are time-stamped.

TED Ed is a website that allows teachers to practise lessons approximately YouTube videos. Teachers tin flaming select YouTube videos in addition to purpose their URLs to add together questions inwards dissimilar formats. The added value of this tool is that it has a department where teachers tin flaming rails stats of how many has answered answers in addition to hoa mnay students cause got seen the lesson. Check out this visual guide to larn to a greater extent than virtually how to created a video lessons using TED Ed.

6- Vialogues
Vialogue (Video + Dialogue ) is an online video amongst a grouping give-and-take feature. Vialogue allows users to interact amongst videos past times adding fourth dimension stamped comments to them. This tin flaming hold upwards a groovy tool for teachers to purpose amongst their students to acquire them engaged inwards video prompted discussions.To acquire started, upload a video, direct grip of i from YouTube, or direct i from the growing collection on our site. Once you’ve created a vialogue, you lot tin flaming encourage thoughtful conversations past times posing questions, adding polls, in addition to replying to comments. You tin flaming fifty-fifty embed a vialogue into your website, LMS, or blog!

7- Pontoon Edu

Pontoon Edu allows you lot to animate hard topics in addition to engage your students using a broad diversity of tools. You tin flaming easily drag in addition to driblet characters in addition to props into your slides in addition to assign it an animation, direct from dissimilar pre-designed templates in addition to mode libraries.Videos in addition to animated presentations you lot practise through PowToon Edu tin flaming hold upwards exported inwards diverse ways. You tin flaming percentage them on YouTube or Facebook, download them to your computer. You tin flaming also export them every bit MP4 file to embed inwards your classroom spider web log or website.

8- Blendspace

Blendspace is an first-class gratuitous tool to practise flipped lessons for your class. You tin flaming practise a shape on Blendspace in addition to invite upwards to 35 students to bring together it. The maximum expose of active lessons you lot tin flaming cause got for gratuitous is 100. Besides sharing lessons amongst the class, you lot tin flaming also purpose it to collect spider web sources inwards a unmarried house that you lot tin flaming percentage amongst students amongst only i link.

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