Learn Too Spotter Gratuitous Math Resources For Summertime Learning

May 6, 2015
Educators are all besides aware of the effects of summertime learning loss. Research shows students lose upward to 3 months of grade-level math equivalency over the break, which impacts their readiness for the side yesteryear side schoolhouse year. Oftentimes, teachers direct maintain to pass the firstly weeks of schoolhouse re-teaching the lessons their students forget earlier moving on to the novel curriculum.

TenMarks, an Amazon company, is offering teachers together with parents a means to contrary the summertime slide alongside costless access to the TenMarks Summer Math Program, an adaptive online plan that provides personalized assessments together with lessons tuned to the needs of each student.

Beginning today, educators tin see summer math program to access materials together with resources to easily part the plan alongside students together with families. The TenMarks Summer Math Program officially begins on May 19, 2015.

TenMarks Summer Math has lessons ranging from firstly flat math through geometry together with algebra 2. Starting alongside a diagnostic assessment, the plan automatically creates a personalized summertime curriculum, which reviews concepts from the previous year, together with introduces students to concepts for the twelvemonth ahead. As students become on, TenMarks features embedded hints together with videos, along alongside targeted interventions for real-time learning assistance.

Last year, TenMarks reversed summertime learning loss for over 69% of participating students, alongside students showing an 11% growth inwards scores from tests taken at the get-go of the plan on average.

Teachers tin encourage parents to move to a greater extent than productive over the summer, whether at abode or shuttling them to their activities, yesteryear downloading the TenMarks Math for Students app on iPad, Android Tablets together with Fire OS.

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