Learn In Addition To Picket 5 Novel Google Classroom Features Teachers Should Know About

January 15, 2015
Google Classroom which is alone half dozen months onetime has managed to host over thirty meg assignments turned inwards past times teachers too students. This is a big sign that the tool is existence widely endorsed inside the instruction community peculiarly inwards the States. With this increasing popularity of Google Classroom, Google released today roughly novel updates to heighten its functioning too acquire far to a greater extent than mobile friendly. The major  update is the free of Google Classroom apps for both iPad too Android . Accompanied amongst this updates comes a bunch of novel features:

1- Snap a photo
Using  Google Classroom mobile app, students volition last able to snap a photograph too attach it to their assignments correct inside the assignment page.

Watch this video to acquire to a greater extent than nearly snapping a photograph inwards Google Classroom

2- Share from other apps
This allows students to attach PDFs, documents, images…etc from other apps to their assignments.”For example, when you’re inwards a drawing app, yous tin practice a graphic for an assignment. When yous click “share” inwards that app, Classroom volition come upwardly up equally an option, too yous tin attach the graphic to an assignment”.

Watch this video to acquire to a greater extent than nearly how to percentage from other apps inwards Google Classroom

3- Offline caching
Google Classroom mobile apps automatically salve  cached version of the assignments too shape streams too thence that students too teachers tin access them fifty-fifty when at that topographic point is no cyberspace connection.

4- Teacher assignment page
Teacher Assignment page is a novel characteristic inwards Google Classroom for desktops that enables teachers to top on runway of all the function too assignments they handed inwards to their students. They tin role the page to rapidly access these assignments, “rack which ones they’ve reviewed too run into how many students accept completed their assignments.”

5- Archiving classes
This is roughly other novel characteristic inwards Google Classroom that teachers tin role to take away classes they need  from the abode page too brand them read-only — teachers too shape members tin nonetheless persuasion archived classes, but can’t brand whatsoever changes or plow inwards assignments.

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