Learn In Addition To Scout Wonderful Mini-Posters On The 21St Century Literacies

December 31, 2014
The concept of literacy is notoriously elusive in addition to difficult to define. Aside from the shallow in addition to intellectually-impaired  definition that sums upwards  literacy inwards  reading in addition to writing printed text, whatever serious in addition to profound investigation of literacy does, past times implication, entail an analysis of the novel ways of learning in addition to meaning-making afforded past times digitality. New digital media bring provided learners amongst novel in addition to revolutionary ways of producing, discussing, sharing in addition to interacting amongst text.

These ways, to country the to the lowest degree almost them, are multimodally complex in addition to telephone telephone for an integrated gear upwards of skills that become beyond the mere mightiness to code in addition to decode meaning. In this sense, to hold upwards literate inwards such a multimodal surroundings requires agreement in addition to using a broad attain of interconnected literacies. We are no longer talking almost a unmarried literacy every bit was the instance since the excogitation of writing unopen to 6000 twelvemonth ago, nosotros are, instead,  in front end of multiple novel emerging  and interdependent literacies. Today's students are asked to bring a working cognition of these literacies inwards venture to hold upwards able to thrive inwards a globalized cognition economy. Katchy Schrock has this wonderful resource where she features unopen to awesome mini-posters defining the primal literacies making upwards today's Literacy (with working capital alphabetic lineament letter) landscape.  These visuals are ideal for classroom inclusion. I invite yous to banking venture fit them out in addition to percentage amongst your colleagues.

Here is a quick round-up of the major literacies included inwards these posters:

  • Information literacy
  • Visual literacy
  • Critical literacy
  • Media literacy
  • Tool literacy
  • Digital literacy
  • Data literacy
  • Global literacy
  • Economic literacy
  • Civic literacy
  • Health literacy
  • Historical literacy
  • Traditional literacy

Here is an  example of Kathy's posters. Check out the residue of these posters from this link.

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