Learn In Addition To Spotter Four Nifty Visual Organizers For Teachers

September 16, 2014
Today I am sharing amongst you lot iv of my favourite visual organizers. These are web-based  tools that you lot tin role to visually organize digital content. I know in that place are several other spider web applications that tin practise the same affair precisely these are amid the best ones you lot tin discovery out there. I invite you lot to bring a await too percentage amongst your colleagues.

ThingLink is an first-class spider web tool that allows you lot to practise interactive images online. The images you lot practise tin come upwards endure past times adding to them text, video, music, too links. ThingLink has also latterly rolled out a novel feature, which is withal inwards beta, that allows you lot to add together interactive pinmarks to YouTube videos. These pivot marks tin endure links to other videos or websites.

Check out this stride past times stride guide on how to starting fourth dimension using ThingLink.

2- Padlet

Padlet is a swell platform for bookmarking too sharing digital content. Since inwards its launch a few years ago, Padlet (formerly Wallwisher) has undergone several swell updates that acquire far an ideal tool to role amongst students inwards class.

Padlet features :
  • Padlet is real slowly to role too has a user friendly interface
  • Padlet is spider web based too does non involve whatever software installation
  • It allows you lot to easily add together notes, text, images, videos, too drawings to your wall
  • You tin also add together give-and-take documents from reckoner to your Padlet wall
  • Padlet provides a broad multifariousness of layouts to select from
  • Padlet plant across multiple devices including mobile phones
  • Any Padlet wall you lot practise tin endure embedded into your weblog or website.
  • It enhances collaborative work. Multiple people tin ship to the same wall at the same time.
  • Any Padlet wall tin endure exported inwards a multifariousness of formats including, PDF, image,CSV, or Excel.
  • Padlet is completely free
Check out this guide to larn to a greater extent than most how to role Padlet amongst students.

Some telephone band it the novel Pinterest for educators, Educlipper is actually a swell too promising website where teachers acquire to curate too organize digital content. Educlipper has been designed specifically for educators too past times an educator (Adam Bellow: founder). The procedure of setting upwards your Educlipper trouble organisation human relationship is pretty slowly too tin endure done inwards a few clicks too i time logged inwards you lot tin at i time starting fourth dimension adding content . There is also a handy Educlipit push clit that you lot tin install on your browser to bookmark digital content you lot come upwards across acre browsing the web.. Another skilful characteristic that Educlipper offers to its users is that users tin function collaboratively on the content they curate from the web, they tin also organize it into educlipboards too percentage it amongst others.

4- Scoop.it

Scoop.it is roughly other of my favourite content curation tools. Scoop.it provides you lot amongst the possibility to practise boards nether dissimilar labels where you lot tin host what you lot curate from the web. You tin also follow what others curate too interact amongst their content.
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