Learn Together With Lookout The Eleven Skills Underlying 21St Century Novel Literacies

November 19, 2014
Historically speaking, studies of literacy cause got undergone 2 major shifts over the final 4 or 5 decades. The start shift took house inwards early on seventies in addition to eighties amongst the publication of a serial of industrial plant such equally The Literacy Myth (Harvey Graff, 1979), The Psychology of Literacy (Scribner & Cole, 1981), Literacy inwards Theory in addition to Practice ( Brain Street, 1984), The Uses of Literacy: Aspects of Working Class Life (Richard Hoggart, 1957). These studies challenged the established in addition to traditional approaches to literacy which, until then, was considered a personal affair, an private cognitive process. These studies emphasized the social in addition to cultural aspects of literacy in addition to advanced the sentiment that literacy is a social practice, a social resultant mediated yesteryear text. (for a detailed describe of piece of work concern human relationship of this development, read "New Literacies: Everyday Practices in addition to Classroom Learning").

The minute major shift emerges amongst the uptake of the social networking sites in addition to participatory technologies. Now, nosotros no longer speak close a unmarried literacy exactly multiple literacies. Literacies cause got many forms in addition to covert a varied trunk of social skills in addition to cultural competencies. In their pop white newspaper "Confronting The Challenges of Participatory Cultures" Jenkins et al talked at length  about the evolution of these novel literacies in addition to how they come upwards to shape the novel learning forms that cause got house inwards the virtual space. According to Jenkins et al, these novel literacies involve several social skills that are developed through collaboration in addition to networking. These skills include :

1- Play:The capacity to experiment amongst the surroundings equally a shape of occupation solving.
2- Performance:The mightiness to adopt choice identities for the role of improvisation in addition to discovery.
3-SimulationThe mightiness to translate in addition to build dynamic models of real-world processes.
4-Appropriation:The mightiness to meaningfully sample in addition to remix media content.
5- MultitaskingThe mightiness to scan the surroundings in addition to shift focus onto salient details.
6- Distributed cognition:The mightiness to interact meaningfully amongst tools that expand mental capacities.
7- Collective intelligence:The mightiness to puddle knowledge in addition to compare notes amongst others toward a mutual goal.
8- Judgment:The mightiness to evaluate the reliability in addition to credibility of dissimilar data sources.
9- Transmedia navigation:The mightiness to follow the menses of stories in addition to data across multiple modalities.
10- NetworkingThe mightiness to search for, synthesize, in addition to disseminate information.
11- Negotiation:The mightiness to go across various communities, discerning in addition to respecting multiple perspectives, in addition to grasping in addition to next choice norms.

(Excerpt from  the white newspaper cited above, page XIV).

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