Learn Together With Sentry Teachers Slow Direct To Creating Quiz Shows On Google Drive

January 3, 2015
Flippity is a powerful spider web tool that you lot tin plow over notice utilization amongst Google Spreadsheets to perform a multifariousness of tasks. In the final post nosotros published hither nosotros talked near how to utilization Flippity to exercise Flashcards as well as nosotros visually demonstrated how teachers tin plow over notice acquire near creating their ain flashcards using this tool. Today, nosotros are sharing amongst you lot about other peachy functionality provided past times Flippity. This fourth dimension you lot volition acquire to larn how to utilization Flippity to exercise a Quiz Show from a Google Spreadsheet. Click hither to encounter a demo.

Here is how you lot tin plow over notice brand your ain Quiz Show using Flippity on Google Spreadsheets:

1- 1- Click on this template as well as re-create it to your Google Spreadsheet past times clicking on "file" as well as " brand a copy"

2- Now that you lot are on the copied version of that template, edit the text as well as type inward the information you lot desire to include inward your Quiz Show.

3-Publish your canvas past times clicking on "file " thence "publish"

4-Copy the link nether the link tab

5- Now click on the "get the link here" tab of your template which is at the bottom

6- Paste that link inward the calorie-free bluish jail cellphone to acquire the link to your Flippity Quiz Show

N.S: Correction: The origin of this tool is Free Technology for Teachers and non Weebly as was initially stated. We deeply apologize for Richard Byrne for this mistake.

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