Learn Too Lookout Adult Man 22 Amazing Visualizations Too Maps

October, 2014
H5N1 few months agone I posted hither an article featuring 40 maps to learn students almost Internet. The same creator of these maps, Vox, has lately released a laid upward of 22 wonderful visualizations that incorporate some interesting facts. Some of these facts is actually heed blowing ( e.g facts position out two in addition to 3) in addition to is actually worth having a looking at. I spent sometime today leafing through these visualizations in addition to idea you lot mightiness notice them interesting every bit well.

Here is a quick circular of upward of these 22 facts, banking concern check out Vox master copy article to come across the visualization.

  • More than one-half the world's population lives within this circle
  • The British accept invaded almost every province on earth
  • Africa is much bigger than you lot think
  • The wealthiest American inward every state
  • Switzerland is the best house to last born
  • America is in addition to thus large that its states are the size of countries
  • Much of America inward uninhabited
  • The map of public wealth
  • Fewer people are dying from state of war than always before
  • The most unsafe drugs inward America are perfectly legal
  • The Philippines is the world's most emotional country. Singapore is its least.
  • Germany in addition to Nippon accept the world's oldest populations. Niger has the youngest.
  • Snapchat is to a greater extent than pop than Twitter alongside Millenials
  • Half of the U.S.A. gross domestic product comes from these 23 orangish blotches
  • Antarctica's weird fourth dimension zones
  • Guyana has the highest suicide charge per unit of measurement inward the world
  • If the public was every bit tightly packed every bit New York City, everyone could gibe into Texas
  • Assault deaths inward America are falling
  • We've cutting childhood mortality almost inward one-half since 1990
  • Global population volition explode to eleven billion people past times 2100
  • You are a tiny speck of nothingness

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